Are you using the smart tech you need to make your small business more profitable? Getting a technological edge in business can be the difference between rising to the top of the UAE’s competitive globalized economy and falling through its cracks. Fortunately, whatever your specific work, the technology your small business needs is probably just a download away.
Intelligent and intelligible. Easy to read and easy to share. That’s what you get with this subscription-based accounting service that businesses of any size can use. If you’re doing the books all by yourself, are you sure you’re getting the professional results you need? As your business grows and the load becomes greater than you can handle alone, you might hire an accountant. No matter what stage you’re at, QuickBooks Online helps out by being incredibly simple and intuitive. It seamlessly transfers to your accountant’s system for potentially decades of continued use, and it integrates smoothly with the other financial tools you’re using.
Compatible Apps
Small business apps can add a lot to your company’s bottom line by increasing your flexibility and responsiveness. They can also help you make plans, design new looks, and manage employees. Consider integrating these apps with your QuickBooks Online account:
- Evernote: Evernote helps small businesses coordinate their teams across time and distance. If you own a Dubai-based architecture firm, for example, but your offices are spread out around the world, Evernote brings you all together to share notes and project updates in real time. The mobile Evernote app on iOS and Android even scans business cards to help make networking a global affair for you.
- Trello: Trello, like Evernote, streamlines collaboration among employees, but it organizes everyone around specific projects – such as a training project for new employees, or a payroll project for HR. Trello strikes a good balance between keeping project staff well-informed and overwhelming them.
- Canva: Canva is an all-round must-have for design work of any kind. With this app, you can pull together a team of any size, from anywhere in the world, and put them all to work designing websites, posters, company swag, and more. If it’s going to have your logo stamped on it, Canva is the easiest way to design it.
- Gpayroll: If you operate in the UAE, you probably have local and overseas workers. Coordinating their wildly different pay and benefit structures, complying with multiple countries’ laws, and tracking hours and scheduling across time zones is more than a full-time job. Gpayroll makes all that disarmingly easy with a simple, graphics-based user interface any HR rep can learn in an afternoon.