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SRC Income Tax Tables in Armenia for 2024

Armenia’s tax system is efficient and business-friendly with several categories of tax, including income tax, corporate income tax, value-added tax (VAT), profit tax, turnover tax, dividend tax, real estate tax and excise tax. The taxation system in Armenia is administered by the official tax body, the State Revenue Committee (SRC).

The Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia provides guidance and support in the form of income tax tables for individuals and businesses. Taxpayers must familiarize themselves with these tax tables and the corresponding tax slabs and tax rates, for effective tax planning and to remain compliant with tax laws in Armenia.

Here you will learn about:

Headline Tax Rates in Armenia

Headline Tax Rates

Tax Rate (%)

Headline Personal Income Tax (PIT) Rate


Headline Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rate


Personal Income Tax (PIT) Tables in Armenia for 2024

Personal income tax (PIT) is paid by both residents and non-residents in Armenia. An individual is regarded as resident for tax purposes if they spend 183 days or more in the country during a tax year. However, even if they do not spend this length of time, they can be regarded as a resident if they have vital assets and interests (such as property, family or business) in Armenia, regardless of their citizenship status. 

Non-residents will be taxed on income received purely from Armenian sources.

Personal Income Tax (PIT) Rates for Individuals

Income Type

Tax Rate (%)









20 (if the income from lease exceeds AMD 60 million during the tax year, the individual should pay 10% income tax in addition to the tax withheld by the tax agent)

Other income


Personal Income Tax Due Dates

Personal Income Tax (PIT) Due Dates

PIT return due date

For monthly income tax returns: 20th day of the month following the reporting period.

For annual income tax returns: 20 April

PIT final payment due date

For monthly income tax returns: 20th day of the month following the reporting period.

For annual income tax returns: 20 April

PIT estimated payment due dates

20th day of the month following the month when the income was received.

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rate in Armenia for 2024

These are the corporate income tax (otherwise known as company taxation) rates that apply.

Corporate Income Tax (CIT)

Tax Rate (%)

Standard CIT


Corporate Income Tax Due Dates

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Due Dates

CIT return due date

20 April

CIT final payment due date

20 April

CIT estimated payment due dates

20th day of last month of each quarter.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Armenia

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

Rate (%)

Headline corporate capital gains tax

Capital gains are subject to the normal CIT rate.

Headline individual capital gains tax

10 or 20 (depending on the type of property and whether sold to a tax agent or individual)

Withholding Tax Rates Non-Residents in Armenia

In general, withholding tax (WHT) applies to both residents and non-residents. However, different rates may apply based on the recipient as well as the item the tax is applied to. For example, payments for insurance and reinsurance are subject to a WHT of 5% whereas other income received from Armenian sources are subject to a WHT of 20%.

Further, as Armenia is signatory to certain double taxation treaties (DTTs), WHT rates may vary, and may be reduced, depending on the tax treaty applicable in the taxpayer’s circumstances.

Non-Resident Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates

WHT (%)







Value-Added Tax Rate in Armenia

Value-Added Tax (VAT)

Tax Rate (%)

Standard VAT


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