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FPS Income Tax Brackets in Belgium for 2024-2025

As an open economy and one of the world’s top exporters, Belgium offers an attractive business and investment landscape with no trade restrictions. It is easy to set up a new business in this 

business-friendly tax environment. 

The taxation system in Belgium is administered by the official tax body, the Federal Public Service (FPS) Finance. Taxpayers may access MyMinfin (Tax-on-the-web), an application of FPS Finance which enables all taxpayers to manage their taxes online. The CIR 92 (Income Tax Code 1992) provides support and guidance in the form of income tax tables for individuals and businesses. Taxpayers must familiarize themselves with these tax tables and the corresponding tax brackets and tax rates, for effective tax planning and to remain compliant with tax laws in Belgium.

Here you will learn more about:

Headline Tax Rates in Belgium

Headline Tax Rates

Tax Rate (%)

Headline Personal Income Tax (PIT) Rate


(plus communal taxes ranging between 0% and 9% of the Federal tax rate)

Headline Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rate


Personal Income Tax (PIT) Brackets for Individuals in Belgium for 2024-2025

Personal income tax (PIT) rates may vary depending on whether an individual is a resident or non-resident. Progressive tax rates apply which means that the rate of tax increases in tandem with the rise in a taxpayer’s income. Taxpayers are also entitled to a ‘tax-free allowance’ where part of the taxable income is not taxed.

Personal Income Tax (PIT) Rates for Individuals


Taxable Income (EUR)

Tax Rate (%)


Not over

Bracket 1




Bracket 2




Bracket 3




Bracket 4


and above


Local Income Tax: Municipal Tax

Belgium imposes local municipal tax (communal tax) rates for residents and and-nonresidents. Residents are subject to municipal tax levied at rates varying from 0% to 9% on personal income tax. The average communal tax rate for residents is 7%. Non-residents are subject to a flat rate of 7%. Each municipality sets the municipal tax rate for its territory each year.

Municipal Tax Rates


Tax Rate (%)





Personal Income Tax Due Dates

Personal Income Tax (PIT) Due Dates

PIT return due date

Income of year X must be reported by the taxpayer in a tax return during year X+1 (tax year).

The assessment note is sent by the tax authorities by 30 June of year X+2. The tax return filing due date falls around:

-June/July for resident tax returns (depending on whether it is filed on paper or electronically online)

-November/December for non-resident tax returns.

Exact dates vary and are communicated by the tax authorities each year.

PIT final payment due date

Any tax balance due must be paid to the tax authorities within two months following the sending of the assessment notice.

PIT estimated payment due dates

Withholding taxes are retained each month from the employee's gross salary.

In some specific cases, withholding taxes may not be due.

Self-employees must normally perform advance payments to avoid paying interest.

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rates in Belgium for 2024-2025

It is assumed that any income received by a business is business income. Corporate tax is levied on both Belgian companies and Belgian permanent establishments (PEs) of foreign companies. There are exceptions to this in the case of specific categories of business such as the voluntary and education sectors.

Belgian companies are subject to CIT and Belgian PEs are subject to non-resident CIT. Companies must also be aware of a surcharge due on the final CIT amount on assessment which may be avoided if sufficient advance tax payments are made. 

Corporate Income Tax (CIT)

Tax Rate (%)

Standard CIT


Reduced CIT


Corporate Income Tax Due Dates

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Due Dates

CIT return due date

The tax return must be filed at the latest on 30 September of the tax year for financial years ending between 31 December of the previous year and the last day of February of the tax year.

In other cases, the deadline for filing the tax return is the last day of the seventh month following the end of the financial year.

CIT final payment due date

In general, within two months following the issue of the assessment notice.

CIT estimated payment due dates

(Optional) quarterly installments.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Belgium

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

Rate (%)

Headline corporate capital gains tax

Capital gains are subject to the normal CIT rate (except capital gains on shares under certain conditions).

Headline individual capital gains tax

Generally exempt

Withholding Tax Rates for Residents and Non-Residents in Belgium

In general, withholding tax (WHT) applies to both resident and non-residents in Belgium. However, several reductions and exemptions are possible under Belgian tax law. As signatory to several double taxation treaties (DTTs), a taxpayer may benefit from the provision of these DTTs. Consequently, WHT rates may be reduced or removed by a DTT in place.

Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates for Residents and Non-Residents (Non-Treaty)

WHT (%)







Value-Added Tax Rates in Belgium

There are several value-added tax (VAT) rates applicable in Belgium: a standard rate, an intermediate rate and a reduced rate. Further, for certain exceptional goods and services, a zero rate applies.

Value-Added Tax (VAT)

Tax Rate (%)

Standard VAT


Intermediate VAT


Reduced VAT


Zero Rated


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