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NTA Income Tax Brackets in Norway for 2024

As the Norwegian government welcomes foreign investment, it maintains a neutral tax system. Norway’s tax system ranks 17th in the OECD for international tax competitiveness. While it is one of the few countries that levies a net wealth tax, Norway allows corporate losses to be carried forward indefinitely. Tax revenue is raised through a mix of individual income taxes, corporate income taxes, social insurance taxes, taxes on goods and services, as well as property taxes.

The tax system in Norway is administered by the official tax body, the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten). The Income Tax Act (Skatteloven) provides guidance and support in the form of income tax tables for individuals and businesses. Taxpayers must familiarize themselves with these tax tables and the corresponding income tax brackets and income tax rates, for effective tax planning and to remain compliant with Norwegian tax laws.

Here you will learn more about:

Headline Tax Rates in Norway

Headline Tax Rates

Tax Rate (%)

Headline Personal Income Tax (PIT) Rate


Headline Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rate


Personal Income Tax (PIT) Brackets for Individuals in Norway for 2024

Taxpayers are required to have a tax deduction card or an exemption card. General income is taxed at a flat rate of 22%. In Norway, bracket tax is a progressive tax on gross salary and other personal income payable to the State. Bracket tax on personal income for 2024 is tabulated below. The marginal personal income tax rate in Norway is 39.6%.

Different rules may apply and guidance is provided for young people, taxes applicable to shares and securities, property, gifts or inheritance and when dealing with income or assets abroad.

Personal Income Tax (PIT) Rates for Individuals

Taxable Income (NOK)

Tax Rate (%)

NOK 208,051 - NOK 292,850


NOK 292,851 - NOK 670,000


NOK 670,001 - NOK 937,900


NOK 937,901 - NOK 1,350,000


Exceeding NOK 1,350,000


Personal Income Tax Due Dates

Personal Income Tax (PIT) Due Dates

PIT return due date

30 April

PIT final payment due date

When the assessed tax is higher than the withholding or advance tax, the difference is payable by the taxpayer in two equal installments 3 and 8 weeks after the date on which the assessment has been made public.

PIT estimated payment due dates

Advance tax paid by individuals as regards income not subject to withholding must be affected in four equal installments during the income year, on 15 March, 15 May, 15 September, and 15 November.

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rates in Norway for 2024

Resident companies are subject to corporate tax on their worldwide income. However, non-resident companies are liable for CIT when engaged in a business that is conducted or managed in Norway.

Further, there are specific tax regimes in place for petroleum tax, hydropower tax, and shipping tonnage tax. In Norway, there are no county or municipal CIT rates applicable.

Corporate tax rates in Norway are tabulated below.

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Rates


Tax Rate (%)

Standard CIT


CIT for companies in the financial sector


Corporate Income Tax Due Dates

Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Due Dates

CIT return due date

The end of May in the year following the financial year (end of April under the petroleum tax regime).

CIT final payment due date

Tax arrears must be paid within three weeks after the assessment has been made public.

CIT estimated payment due dates

15 February and 15 April.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Norway

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Norway are subject to the standard CIT or PIT rates respectively.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

Rate (%)

Headline corporate capital gains tax

Standard CIT

Headline individual capital gains tax

Standard PIT

Withholding Tax Rates for Residents and Non-Residents in Norway

In general, withholding tax (WHT) is levied on residents and non-residents in Norway. Different rates may apply depending on the source of income concerned, such as dividends, interest or royalties. These taxes may also be reduced under applicable exemption rules or by an applicable tax treaty.

Norway is signatory to several double taxation treaties (DTTs) which may impact WHT rates. A taxpayer may benefit from the provisions of the DTTs.

Withholding Tax (WHT) Rates for Residents and Non-Residents


WHT (%)












Value-Added Tax Rates in Norway

The Value-Added (VAT) rates applicable in Norway are tabulated below with examples.

Value-Added Tax (VAT)

Tax Rate (%)

Standard VAT


Reduced VAT

Applies to the supply of food and beverages (excluding tobacco, alcohol, medication, and water from waterworks, and the supply of food and beverages consumed in restaurants and other food establishments).


Reduced VAT

Applies to:

  • domestic passenger transport services and procurement of such services
  • domestic ferry services related to transport of vehicles
  • accommodation services
  • cinema tickets
  • museum and gallery tickets
  • amusement park tickets
  • sports events


Zero Rated VAT

Applies to certain goods and services when certain conditions are met.


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