Recognized as #1 in the European Union for innovation, Sweden has a thriving startup scene and offers a springboard for companies to take new ideas to global markets. Sweden is also a cleantech pioneer and a global leader in waste management and circular economy models.
The Swedish tax system is ranked 13th in the OECD, according to the Tax Foundation’s International Tax Competitiveness Index (ITCI). This measures the 38 OECD countries’ tax systems based on over 40 variables. Sweden’s personal dividend tax rate and capital gains tax rate are both above the OECD average. However, one of the country’s strengths is its provision for net operating losses to be carried forward indefinitely.
The tax system is administered by the official tax body, the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). The Income Tax Act (Inkomstskattelagen) provides guidance and support in the form of income tax tables for individuals and businesses. Taxpayers must familiarize themselves with these tax tables and the corresponding income tax brackets and income tax rates, for effective tax planning and to remain compliant with Swedish tax laws.
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