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1935 1451 1591 029
Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Thank you Kevin for your response.


I have tried to use the A/P account to in the accounts cell but when I clicked add, it would not save the transaction.Please see screen shot below. Did I miss something?


Kind regards


Level 8

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Hello there,


Thanks for getting back to us. We're unable to track GST on Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable account in QBO. The system will only allow you to track taxes on the expense, checking, and income accounts. 


To categorise the transaction set the GST to Out of Scope or if you wanted to apply tax on the transaction use a different account like use the same account used on the original transaction.


Stay in touch with me on how the contact goes by commenting below. I'm always right here whenever you have follow-up questions.

1935 1451 1591 029
Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Thank you so much for your help.

That has resolved the issue.

Kind regards,


Level 8

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Hi there,


Glad to hear that worked out. Feel free to post again in the Community if you have any questions. We'll be around to help you.

Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Can the text in a custom field be made bold and the color changed in Quickbooks online?

QuickBooks Team

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Hello there, julnjake.


Please know that QuickBooks Online currently doesn't have the option to be bold and change the color of text in a custom field. However, let me route you to a center where you can achieve your goal in an alternative way.


Beforehand, keep in mind that QuickBooks allows you to modify the font size and color of the highlights in column headings. This allows you to personalize the style of the forms. If you want to complete this process, follow the steps listed below.


  1. Click the Gear icon ⚙ and then select Custom form styles.
  2. Choose the New style button.
  3. Select the type of sales form you want to create a template for.
  4. Go the the Design tab.
  5. Click Try other colours to change the color and Select a different font to change the font.
  6. Click Done.


On the other hand, I recommend visiting our Apps center so you're able to see hundreds of apps that you can integrate into QuickBooks. This way, it'll help you make a text in the custom field be made bold and the color changed.


In case you need steps on how you can view different statuses of sales transactions like open and closed invoices, you can read this article: View sales transactions in QuickBooks Online.


If you have any further questions or need assistance with managing your sales transactions in QuickBooks, please don't hesitate to let me know. It would be my pleasure to help you some more, julnjake. Keep safe and have a good one. 

Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

When I use to create invoices and request them to be sent I had the option to have them emailed or QBO to physically mail the invoice.  I am not finding how to have them physically mailed any more? Does QBO no longer do that?  Also how do I sort to find the invoices that have NOT been sent?

QuickBooks Team

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

A warm welcome to the Community space, @cbennett3


Physically mailing invoices is unavailable in QuickBooks Online. Let me share other ways to help you send them to your customers.


You have various options for sharing the invoice. Instead of mailing it physically, you can send it conveniently via email by choosing to Save and send. I'm adding the functions of other choices below:


  • Save and new to save your invoice, and create a second one.
  • Save and close to exit the invoice window after saving it.
  • Save and share link to send an invoice link to your customer's email address.
  • Save and share (WhatsApp) to keep your invoice and send it to your customer via a WhatsApp message.


Moreover, you can follow the steps below to sort your invoice list and find those that have not been sent:


  1. Go to the Sales menu, then select the Invoices tab. 
  2. Click in the Status column and see if the Invoice has been sent, viewed, paid, and deposited. 


Here's an article for more details about statuses that you might see: Create invoices in QuickBooks Online.


I'm adding some resources to guide you in tailoring it in the future:



Let me know how this goes so I can further assist you with invoices and sales-related tasks. I'll be here to lend a helping hand. Have a great day!

Big Dog 100
Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

I have a recurring transaction that I want to invoice today. I do not want to change the template, but I would like the dates of the next recurring invoice to advance. Is this possible???

Jelayca V
QuickBooks Team

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

I can help you with that, @Big Dog 100


QuickBooks Online (QBO) provides the option to create and customize recurring transactions such as invoices. Since you already have an existing template that you wish to use for immediate invoicing, you can just easily make use of this manually without modifying the date to set it in advance. 


Here's how: 


  1. Select the Gear icon and select Recurring transactions in the Lists column. 
  2. Search and select your desired template. 
  3. In the Action column, click on Use


See the screenshot below for visual reference:


I'm leaving this article for future reference in receiving invoice payments in QuickBooks: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online. 


Additionally, you can set up automated reminders for your customers when your invoices are due. This feature can help you get paid faster and reduce the number of overdue payments. 


You can utilize the reply button below if you have further questions about recurring transactions in QBO. The Community is always here to support you. Keep safe. 

Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Hi, i am having trouble trying to have some text bold in quotes and invoices as well as adding spacing between lines in quotes. every time I try to add a space at the start of a new line to make it easier for clients to read the system just deletes that space. What am missing? Surely this is possible. 

Heide DC
QuickBooks Team

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

I appreciate you for sharing this information, @BradC13. Let me help you customize forms in QuickBooks Online (QBO). 


Since this feature is unavailable in QuickBooks, I recommend sending feedback to add this in future updates. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please follow these steps to send us your input:


  1. Go to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Type in your recommendation in the Share your feedback field.
  4. Click Next.


In the meantime, we can create a new Quote transaction and add another line item by following these steps:


  1. Login to your QBO account.
  2. Click + New icon, and select Quote.
  3. Enter the details in the required fields.
  4. In the Products and services section, choose an Item in the first line.
  5. In the second line, enter a space only in the Product and services section, and clear the amount in the quantity section before adding another line item in the third line.


Also, you can do the same steps when creating an Invoice transaction.


Moreover, you can check this article to learn how to set up your print settings so you can print checks in QBO: Configure your print settings for printing checks in QuickBooks Online.


We're always here to help if you have other feature concerns or need further assistance managing Quotes and Invoices in QBO. Don't hesitate to leave a reply in the comment section. Keep safe.

Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?


We have had a customer pay an invoice twice.

I have left the second payment uncategorised.

I've just done another invoice for their most recent sale and wish to apply the uncategorised payment however, the invoice is dated today, 29th April, and the payment was back on 8th March.

QB won't seem to allow me to apply the payment to the invoice via the Bank Transactions screen.

Alternatively, I can apply the payment via the Invoice - Receive payment screen however I then can't find this payment in my banking.

Any help / suggestions would be appreciated.

Level 8

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Hi TH1833,


Thanks for posting in the Community!


You can categorize the duplicate payment as a bank deposit and use the Accounts Receivable. Then, link the payment to the invoice by manually receiving payment against the invoice. Here's how:


  1. Click on the Transactions tab.
  2. Click on Bank transactions.
  3. Locate and click the payment, select Deposit in the Type of transaction. Under Account choose Accounts Receivable.
  4. Click on Add.

Then, let's go to the invoice you've created and then click on Receive Payment. Under Credits select the Deposit to apply the payment. Here's how:


  1. Click on the Sales tab.
  2. Click on All Sales.
  3. Locate the invoice and click on Receive payment.
  4. Under Credits make sure the deposit is selected to link to the invoice.
  5. Click on Save and new.

Check this link to learn more about Handle customer refunds in QuickBooks Online.


Drop by again in the Community if you have further concerns. I'll be around to help you. 

Masood Malik
Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

How to add a card charge options to the invoice


Level 8

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Hi Masood,


Are you referring to adding credit card fees to the invoice? At the moment we're unable to automatically add credit card fees to an invoice. The option we can do at the moment is create a service item, then manually add it to your invoice. You can also consider a third-party app and integrate it with your QuickBooks.


To begin, these are the steps:


  1. On the left navigational bar, go to Sales tab.
  2. Choose Product & Service.
  3. Click on New then select Service.
  4. Enter the name of your service item. (Example CC Fee)
  5. Select the account you'd use to track the processing fees.
  6. Once done, click Save and Close.

Once done, add the credit card fee as an additional item on your invoice when you charge your customers with the processing fee.


Let me know if you have additional questions. I am here to help you.

Jaime D
Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?



I was wondering why the debit and credit card option won't work when my customers go to pay my invoices. I have tested it myself, by sending myself an invoice and it also provides me with an error. 

The pay pal option works but not the debit/credit card. Do I have to set something else up? I would like to get it sorted as it has happened to multiple customers, so it's inconvenient and looks unprofessional.

It just says, "payment not successful, try again or contact your seller" 


If you can assist that would be appreciated.


Jaime [Removed]

Three Jacks Baking 

[email address removed]

[Removed] company id



Level 8

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Thanks for posting in the Community, Jaime D.


I understand how important to you and your customers to be able to pay the invoices through credit/debit card. The error you've mentioned is a reported ongoing issue with product investigation number INV-105220: Unable to Process electronic payments for invoices through Paypal due to error Payment wasn't successful. Try again or contact your seller. Our Product Engineers are diligently working to get it fixed as soon as possible.


While we don't have a firm timeline for when the investigation will be fixed, I highly recommend contacting our Chat or Phone Support team so they can add your company details to the list of affected users. That way, you'll be notified once there is an update or if the issue has bee fixed. 


To contact support:


  1. Click on the Help menu in QBO.
  2. Click on Contact Us.
  3. Enter a short summary of the concern.
  4. Choose Start a chat or Call us


Thanks for your understanding and patience while we look into this. Let me know in the comment section if you have any follow-up questions or concerns. You take care always.


Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

How do I get an account description from the COA to show on a qoute?

QuickBooks Team

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

I'll be glad to help you add an account description from the COA to show on quotes in QuickBooks Online (QBO), Tonkin.


We can customise your quote form and enter your desired detail in the Content section.


Here's how:


  1. Sign in to your QBO company.
  2. Go to the Gear icon and select Custom Form Styles.
  3. Choose the Content section.
  4. Select the middle part of the quote form.
  5. Click the Edit Labels and Widths, then enter Chart of Accounts Description in the Description field.
  6. Click Done.
  7. If you wish to make this a default quote form for the following transactions that you will make, click the Edit dropdown and select Make Default.


Then, let's create a quote transaction:


  1. Click the + New icon, then select Quote.
  2. Select your customer and choose the Expiration Date of the transaction.
  3. Select the details on the required fields.
  4. In the Description field, enter the account name from the COA.
  5. Click Save and Send.


I've also attached a screenshot for reference:




Once your customer accepts your quotes, you can have the option to convert them into an invoice by checking out this article: Convert a quote into an invoice in QBO.


Stay in touch if you have more questions or concerns about managing your quotes. Have a great day.

Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

I have set up a trading name for a different part of my company.  I would like to be able to send invoices from the Trading Name which would look quite different from the main Company Invoice.

Can you please tell me how to set this up on Quickbooks Online


Level 8

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Hi Myrlene,


If you are using the QuickBooks Online Plus version, you can enable location tracking feature to add a different trading name in your sales forms. Here's how to enable this feature:


  1. Click on the Settings icon and select Account and Settings.
  2. Click on Advanced.
  3. Click on Edit under Categories.
  4. Turn on Track locations.
  5. Click on Save and Done.

Once done, you can set up the location using the trading name you wanted to show in your other sales forms.


  1. Click on Settings icon.
  2. Click on New button.
  3. Enter a location name and tick box for This location has a different title for sales forms.
  4. Tick box also for This location has a different company name when communicating with customers.
  5. Enter company name or trading name you wanted to add.
  6. Click on Save.

Let's go to your Custom form styles and customise your sales forms.


  1. Click on Settings icon.
  2. Click on Custom form styles.
  3. Click on New style button.
  4. Click on Invoice.
  5. Enter a form name and customise the template design and color.
  6. Click on Done.

Then, let's create an invoice and click on Customise to select the correct invoice template for this trade name.


Check this link to learn more about Customise invoices, quotes, and sales receipts in QuickBooks Online.


Drop by again in the Community if you have further concerns about your sales forms. I'm around to help you. 

Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?


I wanted to repeat the header with the logo and customer details in the invoice which runs over multiple pages. Can I do that? If I can, how am I able to do that.

QuickBooks Team

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

Hello, @sbajimaya. I've got a workaround for you to repeat the header with a logo and add customer details to your invoice. 

Repeating header with logo and customer details to your invoice in multiple pages is currently unavailable in QuickBooks Online (QBO). As a workaround, you may consider downloading your invoices. Then, manually add the header, logo, and customer details to your spreadsheet according to your preferred setup. 

Additionally, you can check this article for complete guidance on how you can record sales transactions efficiently in QuickBooks: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online. 


Please let us know if you have further questions or concerns with your invoices or any other QBO products. We're always here to help. Have a good one.

Level 1

Have any questions for our team about invoicing?

I am wanting to have 3 different invoices styles as we operate under 3 different business names. The way the forms are working means that the business details on each template are being copied across to the new templates that I create. How do I create templates that show different business names and contact details?

The ABN and bank account details are the same but I need the other parts of forms to look different.