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Level 1

Has anyone experienced a linking problem regarding Quickbooks Time Tracker? I am getting. The account is not attached to any companies, singing out.

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Has anyone experienced a linking problem regarding Quickbooks Time Tracker? I am getting. The account is not attached to any companies, singing out.

Hi userandrew3!


Welcome to QuickBooks Community. I'll lay down a couple of solutions to help you fix the linking issue.


It's possible that the system wasn't able to detect the credentials you used. We need to make sure we log in using the same email or user ID.


Also, it'd be best if you'll use the company’s QuickBooks Time web address to ensure that you'll sign in to the right account.


If the error continues, you'll want to perform some basic troubleshooting steps to see if this error is due to the accumulated temporary internet files. First, use an incognito window and check from there if everything's fine.

  • Google Chrome: Ctrl Shift + N
  • Safari 11 or newer: ⌘ Shift N
  • Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl Shift P
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl Shift 


Then, clear the cache and update the browser to fix issues in QuickBooks Time and QuickBooks Online.


Please reach out to our Support Team if this error persists so they can conduct further investigation. From your QuickBooks Time account, select the Find answers and get help icon, then tap Chat Now.


Visit our Help page if you need tips and references in managing a business.


I'll be here if you need my help. Have a great day!

Level 1

Has anyone experienced a linking problem regarding Quickbooks Time Tracker? I am getting. The account is not attached to any companies, singing out.

Dear Alex,


Thank you for the response, the browser version works 100% thank you. 


I have a problem accessing the application on my mobile phone. 


Has anyone experienced a linking problem regarding Quickbooks Time Tracker? I am getting. The account is not attached to any companies, singing out.

I'm glad that my colleagues able to help you with your browser issue, userandrew31. 


Concerning your mobile application problem in accessing your account. I have few troubleshooting steps to help this sorted out. First, let's make sure your app is working properly we need to ensure that the app is updated into the latest version.  


Also, we can reset the application to refresh it. Follow the steps below:      


If you're using an Android device:  


  1. Go to the More Options ⋮ menu.  
  2. Select Settings.    
  3. Tap Refresh Data, and then choose Yes.  


For iOS:  


  1. Go to Help & Feedback at the top menu bar.   
  2. Choose Reset App Data. Then Refresh.         


Then close and reopen the app to check if it works. If still get the same result, let's uninstall and reinstall the app to start on a clean cliche.          


I'd appreciate it if you'd update me on how the steps work. I want to make sure this is taken care of. Stay safe!