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Said When we generate a Client's account there is no debit or credit total at the bottom. How can we get the total?

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Said When we generate a Client's account there is no debit or credit total at the bottom. How can we get the total?

Hello there, info1674.


To ensure we're on the same page, I'd like to verify the specific report you've currently run? 


Right now, to show debits and credits for each transaction on the report, you can pull up and customised the General Ledger report. 


Let me show you how:

  1. In the left menu, click Reports
  2. In the search bar, type in General Ledger.
  3. Click the Customise button at the upper right hand.
  4. Go to the Rows/Columns section, then click the Change Columns link.
  5. Locate and select Debit and Credit.
  6. In the Filter section, choose Distribution Account.
  7. Select an account from the drop-down menu that you want to show on the report.
  8. Click Run Report.

For more information, check out these articles to help you create a report that shows Debits and Credits for each transaction and how accounts are affected by debits and credits.


Leave a comment below if you have any other concerns. We'll be here to keep helping. Stay safe and have a good day.