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How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

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Level 3

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

Hi there, smartin.

You can transfer your master admin role to a company admin of the same QuickBooks Online account. And I’d be glad to help you with this.

If the user you want to make the Master Administrator isn't already a Company Administrator, see add them as a Company Administrator first.

Here’s how you can transfer Master Admin role to an existing Company Administrator:

  1. Click on the Gear icon.
  2. Select Manage Users.
  3. Select the Company Admin you wish to transfer the role to 
  4. Click on the arrow-down icon from the action column and choose Make master admin
  5. Select Make master admin again to confirm.
  6. There will be an email that will be sent to the user that you invited to be the new master admin of the account. Please let him/her accept the invitation from the email.

After accepting the master admin role, you can ask the new master admin delete you as a user of the account. Here’s how:

  1. Choose the Gear icon and select Manage Users.
  2. Highlight the name of the user you wish to delete.
  3. On the bottom right of that field, click Delete.
  4. You will now get this message: Are you sure you want to delete?
  5. Click Yes to confirm.

Please let me know if you require additional information regarding this matter. I’m just around to help you more.

Level 1

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

I have noticed that i only see the make admin option, not the make admin option

what should i do?





Level 1

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

i mean master admin option, sorry


How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

Hello dear, DerrickLandbrug. 


I can see that you're referring to the lists of users under the Users tab in the Manage Users page. In your book, you'll see the master admin as the only user type since you have not invited other users yet.


When inviting them as the master admin, the option would be available after they accepted your invitation as a company admin. Under the Action column, click the drop-down arrow next to Edit.  Please take a look at the sample screenshot below: 

master admin.PNG


If you haven't seen the master admin option there, we can try our recommended basic troubleshooting steps. This might have something to do with a browser issue. 


Storing a lot of files in the history folder can be the cause of the issue. This could be the reason are times we encounter unusual behavior in software like QuickBooks.


First, we'll need to log in to your account using an incognito window.  If it works, you can clear the cache. This is to start your data fresh and help QuickBooks to work properly. Alternatively, you can use other supported browser in QBO.


On the other hand, if you're referring the master admin option when selecting user types, we only have standard user and company admin, reports only and time tracking as well depending of the plan you're using.


Also, you can visit these articles that where you can surely get more information on how you can manage users in your book:


Please let me know how it works for you. The Community is always here whenever you have additional questions about it. Otherwise, you can enjoy the rest of your day! Thanks! Take care!

Level 1

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

Can I remove MYSELF from a company on Quickbooks? I haven't worked at a place for a few years, but they never removed me as an authorized user. 


How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

Hello Jimthedruguser,


There isn't a way to remove ourselves from the company that we have worked before.


The best thing we can do is to reach out to the master admin of the account. They'll be the one who can remove you successfully in their book.


Please post again if you have other questions about QuickBooks. I'm here to help. I hope you're doing great. Take care!

Level 1

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

Need to remove Michael Anidjar as master manager and add Tami Gabel as master manager.

QuickBooks Team

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

I'll help you manage your users, Tamigabel. 


We'll have to get in touch with the Master Admin of the account and they'll be the one to change your user access. Here's how they can change the details of a Master Admin user:

  1. From the Gear icon, click Manage Users.
  2. Select the Users tab.
  3. Under the ACTION column of the Master admin, click Edit
  4. Change the Name and Email to your credentials. Editing this email won’t change your user ID for signing in. You can change this in your user profile.
  5. Click Save

You can use these articles on how to mange our Intuit Account and user access


My colleagues and I are here to help if you need further questions. Take care!

Level 1

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

I QBOA and used to have a client. I can no longer see his business under my QBOA but he keeps contacting me saying I am still the Master Admin and need to remove myself. This was one of those 5 for $25 that I had sold him. 


How can I have myself removed as Master Admin? I do not have access to his QBO at all anymore.

QuickBooks Team

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

It's possible that we've made our client as inactive, barbarajoyce. 


We can activate the client first and then change your user access from Master Admin to the new one since we'll need to have the master admin access to do so. Here's how to activate clients:

  1. Log in to your QuickBooks Online Accountant account.
  2. From the list Clients page, click the small gear icon above the ACTION column. 
  3. Select Include inactive clients
  4. From the ACTION column, click Make active

Then, let's go to the client's profile or company and change your user access. 

  1. From the client's company or account, click the Gear icon > Manage users
  2. If the client is added as admin, you can click the drop-down arrow in the Action column and select Make master admin
  3. In the window, select Make master admin to confirm that you want to make the change.
  4. Let's sign out to refresh the changes.

When the user gets the invitation email, ask them to select the link and accept the invitation.


I'm here if you need more help. Take care!

sunil shetty
Level 1

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

Hi, Please Help 


we facing issue in user that after sharing invetation link and acceptance, its will work few hours later it will disapper from user, so please let know in the regard.


We will appriciate help in this regard.


Thanks you!

QuickBooks Team

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

Thanks for sharing the details with me, @sunil shetty.


Rest assured I’m here to help you and ensure your user can log in to your account.


To get around this issue, I suggest having your user to check their deleted emails or the trash icon of their email. There’s a possibility that they accidentally delete the email invitation.


If they’re unable to locate the email invitation, I suggest sending them the invitation again. Here's how in your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account:


  1. Go to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Manage users.
  3. Locate the user and click the Resend invite link under the Action column.

However, if they were able to log in successfully to your account after accepting the first email invitation, then no need to worry. You can share with them this link so they can easily access your account anytime:


In addition to this, check out this article that you can use for future guidance in managing your users efficiently: User types and user permissions in QuickBooks Online


If you have other questions about users in QBO, tag me in your reply. I’d be more than happy to help you out. Have a great day ahead!

Level 3

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

Why is ever Intuit thread never answered? Only the same copy and paste responses that are useless. These guys are on the downfall if not already dead. I think revenues earned are just from suckers like myself not yet making the change to a better software/support team

QuickBooks Team

How can I remove myself from one of the users and change master admin to someone else?

If I were in the middle of something important I would feel the same, @johnk1112233.


I'd be glad to assist you with your concern.

Before we start, Can you tell me if you have any concerns regarding QuickBooks? If so, can you share more information about it? This way, I can figure out and provide you with a resolution that fits your situation. Please know that the Community is always here to help and guide you. I'll be waiting for your reply. Stay safe and have a good one!


Additionally, here's a link that covers all the tasks you can do when using the QuickBooks feature. Just look for responses that fit your concern.


Let me know if you're referring to something else. Know that you're always welcome to reply anytime if you have follow-up questions about payroll. I'll be here for you. Take care and stay safe.