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Level 1

I have just completed a BAS & lodged with ATO. I have marked as lodged in QBO. I have entered the incorrect Instalment amount in QBO T7 but correct amount with ATO? Help

So T7 instalment amount correctly lodged with ATO but wrong amount recorded in QBO :-(
4 Comments 4
Steven_Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

I have just completed a BAS & lodged with ATO. I have marked as lodged in QBO. I have entered the incorrect Instalment amount in QBO T7 but correct amount with ATO? Help

Hi Tyraus,


If you have recently lodged an incorrect BAS our Customer Service team has the facility to unlodge / undo a lodged BAS in QuickBooks Online. If you require you BAS to be reversed please reach out to our support team by clicking here. This way you can amend the figures and relodge to match the ATO.

If you have a accountant user currently connect to the file they will have the ability to login and unlodge this BAS for you. 





Level 1

I have just completed a BAS & lodged with ATO. I have marked as lodged in QBO. I have entered the incorrect Instalment amount in QBO T7 but correct amount with ATO? Help

Thanks for the reply :-)

The BAS was correctly lodged with the ATO, so no problems there.  The issue is that I recorded an incorrect amount at T7, (Instalment amount) in QBO and marked it as lodged.  I now have an account discrepancy between the ATO amount and the the QBO amount for instalment income. 

Thanks, Tyraus

Ken - Product Champion
Content Creator

I have just completed a BAS & lodged with ATO. I have marked as lodged in QBO. I have entered the incorrect Instalment amount in QBO T7 but correct amount with ATO? Help

Hello Tyraus,


I would like to clarify about the earlier suggestion made earlier. I believe Steven was stating that if there have been incorrect figures lodged in QuickBooks Online's GST section, our support team can help you reverse the BAS recorded in QuickBooks Online, which will not affect the ATO lodgement.


Please contact our support team and request that they reverse the BAS recorded in QuickBooks Online, so that you can record it with the correct figures:

  1. Log into QuickBooks Online
  2. Select Help
  3. Select Contact Us
  4. Type in your inquiry, and select Let's Talk


Level 1

I have just completed a BAS & lodged with ATO. I have marked as lodged in QBO. I have entered the incorrect Instalment amount in QBO T7 but correct amount with ATO? Help

That's great, thanks Ken and Steven for your help much appreciated :-)