Hello Kylie,In order to adjust the superannuation amounts in a pay run, please try the following steps:Navigate into the pay runSelect the name of the employee ...
Hello Nola-hocking,If you have updated the PayPal app and it is still displaying errors, I would advise reaching out to our support team so they can assist:Log ...
Hello Arthataxac,To apply a credit to an invoice, please follow these steps:Select the + New iconSelect Receive PaymentSelect the customer's nameTick the box ne...
Hello Perfectfigures20,Thanks for getting in touch.Salary Sacrifice is treated in the payroll system as a type of deduction, and will need to be set up as such....
Hello Leaveittoblondie,If you were looking to create a deposit not necessarilylinked to any customer, then you could just use a Bank Deposit if you wished:Selec...