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Level 1

How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

My user is Admin Status but I can't expense list
8 Comments 8

How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

Welcome to the Community, @elias-gazi93.


The expense list is located in the Expenses menu at the left pane in QuickBooks Online (QBO). If you're unable to see it, try logging into your QBO account using a private browser (incognito). There are times that the browser is full of frequently accessed page resources, causing some unusual responses.


Here's how:


  • Press Ctrl Shift (Google Chrome).
  • Ctrl Shift (Firefox).
  • Control Option (Safari).


Once signed in, go back to the Expenses menu again to double-check.


If you see it, return to your default browser and perform a clear cache. Every so often the cache becomes overwhelmed with older data which can potentially cause viewing and performance issues. Clearing it will refresh the system, and you'll be able to work with a clean slate. However, if the issue persists, try using other supported browsers.


Just in case, I'll add these articles for future reference: How to view Expenses.


Reach out to me in the comment section below if you have any other issues or concerns. I'm always here to help. Enjoy the rest of the day!

Level 1

How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

I have done all as instructed by you but didn't solved the problem, still i am not able to see expense list. Thank you.

QuickBooks Team

How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

Hello @elias-gazi93,


Thanks for trying the recommended troubleshooting steps. Since you're still can't see the expense list, I suggest contacting our Customer Care Support so we can further investigate.


Please follow these steps to reach out:

  1. Go to (?) Help, then Contact Us.
  2. Enter a brief description of your issue, then hit Let's talk.
  3. Select Start a chat.

We also have a guide on managing suppliers and expenses that you might find helpful.


Don't hesitate to reach out anytime if you have other questions or concerns. We're always here for you. Thanks for visiting us, and more success to your business.

Level 4

How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

I tried an incognito window as well but it doesn't work.  All I'm getting is the my 7000'th heartfelt request to  please please please let QB import the bank information.  And then every. single. time. I open up the manual expense window I'm invited to take a tour.


How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

Hi there, CFOSecrets.


Let me share the possible reason why you're unable to view the lists of expenses in QuickBooks Online.


It could be that your book is new. That's why no transactions are showing there at the moment. Within the Expense tab, expenses will be listed as long as we've added them already.

What we can do is create a new transaction by clicking the Add expense manually button. You'll see then the Start adding an expense manually window. Inside the pop-up window, you have two options to click, either the Take a guided tour or Start adding an expense.


The first option mentioned will show pop-ups in the process of creating this transaction, and the other one will not. Once done, you should be able to see the lists of expenses under the Expense tab.


On the other hand, if you've added a transaction already but still not appearing in the Expense tab, you can try using support browsers in QuickBooks Online. It'll help us determine too if it's a browser issue causing this unexpected behavior. 


If using the supported browser won't work, please give us a call. Our specialist will help us figure out and investigate this further investigation using tools. Here's how to connect with them:


  1. Log in to your your QBO account.
  2. Go to the Help icon at the upper-right corner.
  3. Click the Contact Us button.
  4. Give a brief description of your issue about not seeing expense lists in QuickBooks.
  5. Select Let's Talk.
  6. In the Choose a way to connect with us page, you can select the any of the following:
  • Start a chat - Allows you to chat directly with a support agent.
  • Get a callback  Arranges a callback from a support agent.


Let me know how it goes. I'll be here to help you out. Stay safe and healthy!

Level 4

How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

I'm using Chrome and Firefox.   I'm enabling cookies.  I've been using the incognito windows and in fact I just signed in again with a new incognito window.  I've checked settings and everything appears to be in order (we have QBO Essentials).  I'm now no longer seeing the expense screen popup to show me how to enter an expense but I'm still not seeing the expense list (see attached screen shot) when I click on expenses in the menu. As of now, I have close to 100 expenses recorded; that should be enough to get a list. In fact, I was getting a list (for about 30 minutes) before the program defaulted again to it's exhortations to allow it to enter expenses automatically.  I checked the other companies I registered with; there I am seeing expenses so it's not the browser. 


I don't know if any Intuit employees are on this list, but if there is a bug in the program or in the setup for this plan (Essentials). that is being worked on, saying so is a far better than making me run in circles trying to figure out what was going on.   If I knew there was a bug and it was being fixed (presumably) I would wait (more or less) patiently. But as it is, it is 100% clear that there is a problem on Intuit's end.  Not being able to get/ find a sensible solution is just making me angry and turning me off Quickbooks in general.  At this rate, my next client (who I'll be setting up this week) will be opened on Xero.


How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

Hello there, CFOSecrets. I appreciate you joining the thread and providing a screenshot.


I can see that you've posted twice in this forum in which my colleague Charies_M already answered your question. 


To view her response, you can check this link:


Additionally, I want you to get the most out of QuickBooks for your business. You can check some articles that are designed to help you get acclimated to the software. They can be accessed at the following link: QuickBooks Tutorials.


If there's anything else I can do for you, let me know by commenting below. I'd be happy to further assist you. Have a great day. 

Level 4

How can i see expense list as i don't find it under expense

They aren't available today so I'm stuck.  I'll try later on in the week.


As for the business support, if I can't even get a simple list of expenses without having to kill an hour on the phone with customer support, probably not worth my investing any time.  This should be basic and trouble-free. The problem isn't that I don't know how to use the program; I've been using various versions of it for about 12 years. The problem is that the program isn't working.