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How to Monetize Your Blog in the Philippines

If you have a passion and you love to write, blogging may be the best business for you to get into. Being a part-time or full-time blogger has so many benefits including making your own schedule, writing about interesting topics, and even interviewing industry movers and shakers — depending on who you know. But how do you make money blogging? You monetize your blog and here’s how.

Join an Ad Network

Think of your blog as an online magazine. Your favorite magazines have advertisements on just about every page, and those companies pay for the space. Selling ad space on your blog is one approach — we’ll get to that later — but advertising networks are one of the fastest and easiest ways to monetize your blog as soon as you launch. Google Adsense and Infolinks are examples of ad networks.

So how do you put ad network ads on your blog? First you sign up with an ad network, which involves creating a username and password and sharing your blog URL with them. Then, you wait for your blog to be reviewed and approved, which could take a day or up to a week. They have to check out your blog to make sure that your posts are appropriate for their advertisers.

When your blog gets approved, you go into your ad network account and copy different pieces of web code, depending on the size ads you want to display. Your blog layout probably has easy-to-spot places where you can paste the code. After that, the ads show on your blog automatically. You make money based on how many times an ad shows on your website or whether or not your readers click on the ads. It all depends on what the advertiser is paying for.

You won’t see all the ads that display on your blog because they change depending on what your readers are looking at on their computers and smart devices.

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Sell Ad Space

Selling ad space on your blog is more lucrative than sticking with network ads only. To sell ad space, start by working with your web designer to create ad spaces on your blog. You can then set your own prices for your ad space. Networking with other bloggers and businesses in your industry, both online and in-person, is the best way to sell the ad space. The size of your audience can guide you in terms of how much to charge. When you’re first starting out, you might make your ad space cheap and then raise your prices as your following grows.

Create Sponsored Content

Once you have a big following, you can actually charge companies to blog about their products and services. Power players who have the ability to give you sponsored content deals might find you online and contact you by email, or you might meet them at networking events. The nice thing about sponsored content deals is that you can negotiate how much you get paid, which usually is way more than what you get from ad networks.

It helps to keep an open mind when it comes to monetizing your blog. More unique and varied opportunities to make money may arise as your blog gains more popularity online.

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