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Need help to move data from QB2006 to QBO. The online tool only works with US companies. Please help!

I am helping my wife move her accounts from Desktop QB2006 into Online. `She loves the online program but we need to get her historical data uploaded.


The standard online help refers to a Desktop Restoration Tool that I downloaded but it only loads US companies.


Any advice would be very welcome!

4 Comments 4
QuickBooks Team

Need help to move data from QB2006 to QBO. The online tool only works with US companies. Please help!

Hi there, @IanBayne. Allow me to share some ways to move your data from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online.


To clarify, did you use the conversion guide for South Africa? Yes, you can utilize the QuickBooks Desktop file restoration tool to upgrade your file. Then, you can then move your data to QuickBooks Online.


Here's how:

  1. Sign in as an admin to the company file you need to import.
  2. Go to Company, then select Export Company File to QuickBooks Online.
  3. Select Start your export.
  4. Sign in as an admin to your QuickBooks Online company.
  5. Select Choose online company, and choose the QuickBooks Online company you want to replace with your company file.
  6. Select Continue.
  7. If you track stock in QuickBooks Desktop:
  1. Enter Agree in the text field, then select Replace.
  2. Select Yes, go ahead and replace the data, then select Replace.


As another option, you'll want to use a third-party app to import your data. There are several Intuit-approved apps that will convert your data. To find a list of available Apps, more, visit the Intuit App Center


You can also import your data using Excel CSV spreadsheets. This allows you to bulk import your Chart of Accountscustomers, suppliersproducts and servicesinvoices and bills into QuickBooks.


If you have additional questions about managing your data in QuickBooks, don't hesitate to comment below. I'll be happy to help you again. Keep safe.

Level 1

Need help to move data from QB2006 to QBO. The online tool only works with US companies. Please help!



This feedback is not correct. It is the same feedback provided on the US community boards and it is simply wrong. I am sorry!


First, the Restoration tool only works on US companies - it is a large download and will not accept a Qbw file from South Africa.


Second, your advice to Export does not exist in 2006, so this option also does not work. 

Then you refer to the third party apps. The only app that appears to do the transfers is called Transaction Pro. This requires live access to the database, and does not connect to QB2006.


Finally you mention importing into QBO. This is indeed possible - just please explain how to export these files from QB2006 because the export function does not have these options. 

So while your response appears comprehensive, in actual fact none of the provided options actually work from QB2006 to QBO.


Please tell me where I am going wrong and I will gladly respond to this post, but at the moment I need to go live on 1 March - 2 days away - and I have no solution.


I look forward to your response. THANK YOU. 


Need help to move data from QB2006 to QBO. The online tool only works with US companies. Please help!

Thanks for getting back here, @IanBayne.


Moving your QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) 2006 file to QuickBooks Online (QBO) is my top priority.


Since the file is from an older version of QBDT, you'll have to use the QuickBooks Desktop file restoration tool in upgrading your file to begin the conversion process. You also want to check this article for additional details in importing QBDT file to QBO: Import from QuickBooks Desktop and other software to QuickBooks Online. It also includes information about the list of data that can and cannot be converted. 


However, since you're having trouble using the tool, I'd highly suggest getting in touch with our Technical support team to help you in moving the file. Here's how:

  1. In your QBDT program, click the Help menu.
  2. Then, select QuickBooks Desktop Help.
  3. Choose Contact Us.
  4. Enter a brief description of your issue. Example: Move QuickBooks Desktop 2006 file to QuickBooks Online. 
  5. Next, select Let's talk, and then choose a way to connect.


I've also added this helpful link to give you insights on what data can be imported in QBO: Common questions about importing data to QuickBooks Online. It also provides detailed steps on how you can perform the import. 


If you have any other concerns about moving data from QBDT to QBO, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below. I'll be glad to assist you once more. Have a good one.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Need help to move data from QB2006 to QBO. The online tool only works with US companies. Please help!

@IanBayne wrote:

Please tell me where I am going wrong and I will gladly respond to this post, but at the moment I need to go live on 1 March - 2 days away - and I have no solution.



The migration tool only supports QB Desktop 2007 or later versions. Your last resort is purchasing a 3rd party conversion service. Contact us in private for details.