Your Business Health Score is:


You're doing great but there are some areas for improvement.

Check out your Business Health Report sent to your email for more information and helpful tips.

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Section 1: Automation

On average, how much time do you spend each week managing your business’s admin?

Most Aussie small businesses spend an average of 2 hours on admin per week - that’s a total of 104 hours per year!

How often do you take your business admin home with you to finish during personal time?

53% of small business owners take their business admin home with them regularly.

Do you use a mobile app to manage your small business admin as you go?

78% of small business owners use a mobile app to help stay on top of their admin.

Have you updated your business plan in the last year?

Only about a third of Aussie small businesses have a business plan.


Section 2: Getting Paid

On average, how many days does it take for your business to receive payment for an invoice?

Most small businesses are paid within 26.4 days. However those in trades and construction sometimes face a wait of up to 44 days to get paid!

On average, what percentage of your invoices are overdue at any given time?

Just over 20% of invoices are overdue in Australia at any given time.

How much time do you spend per week chasing late or unpaid invoices?

Many small businesses spend up to an hour and a half chasing invoices every week.

How often do you miss a supplier payment or deadline due to a lack of cash flow from unpaid invoices?

One in four small businesses experience cash flow issues resulting in missing a supplier payment.


Section 3: Compliance & Advice

Do you have an advisory relationship with an accountant or bookkeeper for business finance?

More than half of Australian small businesses have an ongoing advisory relationship with an accountant or bookkeeper.

Have you ever missed a tax compliance requirement?

1 in 3 small businesses in Australia have been penalised for incorrect or late tax return lodgements

Do you consistently monitor and analyse your business’s financial performance?

Around one third of Aussie small businesses use financial data to make strategic business decisions.

What is your current debt-to-equity ratio?

According to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) a healthy debt-to-equity ratio for small businesses is generally between 1:1 and 2:1.


Section 4: Marketing

Have you identified your business’s unique selling proposition and competitive advantage in your industry?

Only a quarter of Aussie small businesses have identified their unique selling proposition.

What percentage of your revenue is allocated towards marketing and advertising efforts?

According to Hubspot, 10-15% is the average amount of revenue spent by small businesses.

What is your average customer retention rate?

The average customer retention rate for small businesses in Australia is 52%.

How often do you actively seek out feedback from customers?

38% of Aussie small businesses seek feedback from customers less than once a year.


You're almost there

Answer these questions to receive your customised Business Health Report.

How long have you been in business?

How many employees do you currently have?

Is your business product or service based?

Do you currently use Financial Management Software?

How would you rate your overall business health on a scale of 1 - 10