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Cheah Chun How
Cheah Chun How
CHEAH CHUN HOW is a Chartered Accountant by profession with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance (Hons). He is also a fellow member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA) and Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA). Additionally, he is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and a qualified Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) Train the Trainer (TTT / 7204). He has more than twenty (20) years experience in both SMEs and multinational companies as Corporate Auditor, IT Auditor, Head of Finance and Operations, Consultant Senior Financial Analyst and Sales Team Lead. His relevant industrial experience includes retailing, wholesaling, financial planning, IT hardware & software, audit & accounting firm, insurance, banking, financial institution and oil & gas.