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Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

49 Comments 49

How can i change the customer statement template?

Hello there, @finance-hwj1-co-.


Currently, changing the customer statement template isn't an option in QuickBooks Online (QBO). However, you can choose to list each transaction as a single line, including all details, and show the aging table at the bottom of the form. To do this, you'll have to visit the Sales menu on the Account and Settings page. For the detailed steps, here's how:

  1. Go to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Account and settings.
  3. Go to the Sales menu.
  4. Click anywhere in the Statements section to open its contents.
  5. Choose the option you want (List each transaction as a single line, List each transaction including all detail lines, or Show ageing table at bottom of statement).
  6. Select Save.


I've attached a screenshot below that shows the last four steps.


There are three types of customer statements in QBO. It's the Balance forward, Open Item, and Transaction Statement. If you wish to know more about them, kindly check out this article: Create and view customer statements.


In the meantime, I'd recommend visiting our blog and newsletter to keep you updated on the latest news and product upgrades.


Additionally, you're able to customise your sales forms like invoices, quotes, and sales receipts. This is to add information that matters most to your business. For the step-by-step guide, you can refer to this article: Customise invoices, quotes, and sales receipts in QuickBooks Online. It also includes details about editing custom templates.


You can always comment below if you have other concerns or follow-up inquiries about managing customer forms in QBO. I'm just around to help. Take care always.

Cindy H2
Level 2

How can i change the customer statement template?

Any Updates? Can I export it to excel somehow to manipulate the statement?


How can i change the customer statement template?

Yes, you can export it to Excel to get the data you want, Cindy H2.


Let me guide you through the steps:


  1. From the Sales menu, select All Sales.
  2. Click on the Filter drop-down arrow.
  3. Select Statements as the Type of transaction drop-down.
  4. Set the date range and any other filters you need, then select Apply.
  5. Click on the Export to Excel icon.

For more information on exporting list in QBO, please refer to this article: Export reports, lists, and other data from QuickBooks Online.


I also added some resources about exporting reports and customising them for your guide:


I'm always here if you have any other additional questions concerning exporting in QBO. I'll be glad to help.

Cindy H2
Level 2

How can i change the customer statement template?

Thanks, but that only exported the list of statements I generated for a particular customer.

I would like to export one current statement to excel for one customer.

My Customer does not like the current statement (all 3 versions)  because we are posting his deposit as a sales receipt, and that is not a negative number on the statement.

Also he has  asked to add a column that shows the balance due per invoice after a partial payment is applied to a specific invoice.





QuickBooks Team

How can i change the customer statement template?

Thank you for following up with us, @Cindy H2.


At this time, you can stick to the workaround provided by GlinetteC above. For a twist, you can set the date and select the statements you want to export. If the system exports all the statements for that customer, I recommend customizing the details from Excel.


 I can see the importance of modifying the statements from QuickBooks. I'll take note of the feature needed and pass along the information to our product developers. Rest assured they're working nonstop to deliver the best experiences for all QuickBooks users.


To stay current with the latest QuickBooks news and feature enhancements, I recommend checking out our blog.


If you have any other questions, please let me know by adding a comment below. I'm always here to help. Have a great day!

Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

I would like to send open item statements but do not want to show a due date, as each customer has different terms


How can i change the customer statement template?

Hello there, coll1367. Hope you're doing well.


I can see how beneficial for you and your business to not display this information. However, when using customer statements, the due date will always be included in the statement. With that, the option to remove the due date isn't available.


Please take note that each customer will generate a different due date, depending on what you've entered on the invoice. Here are the sample screenshots:





Also, you may want to check this article for additional information: Create and send customer statements in QuickBooks Online


Lastly, feel free to visit our Resource Center for more QuickBooks tips.

Please let me know if you have other questions. I'll be here to assist you anytime. Take care always and have a good one.

Alysa W
Level 2

How can i change the customer statement template?

Quickbooks is not updating or fixing any of the things people are complaining about.  Being able to edit a statement is one, another would be credit card fee's being added onto invoice.  If you add them manually you are always going to end up paying something because when you add them the total amount increases and thus the credit card fee's increase ........never ending loop.  I have seen some other software options for what Quickbooks do, but I am a creature of habit.  Although I will say, if QB continues to ignore customers you will end up losing us

Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

The statement no longer fits in my double window envelope for mailing to customers.  It changed on it's own and now I can no longer use the envelopes I purchased.  Why the sudden change?


How can i change the customer statement template?

Hi, @wheatonmeat.


Thanks for joining this conversation. I'm here to help address the issue you're having with customer statements in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


Are you trying to print your customer statements? If so, you can manually change the paper size to your preferred envelope size in the Print or Preview section.


Here's how to do it:


  1. Open the customer's statement.
  2. Click the Print or Preview option at the top bottom.
  3. Tick the Print icon at the upper right.
  4. In the More settings section, choose your preferred envelope size in the Paper size in the drop-down.
  5. Hit Print to complete.


For more information about managing customer statements in QBO, please visit this article: Create and send customer statements in QuickBooks Online.


If the issue persists, this may be a PDF printing issue. In case this, I suggest checking out this article for steps on how to fix it: Test sequence for PDF printing issues.


I'm only a post away if you have any other issues or concerns. I'll be around to help. Take care and have a good one!

Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

My client's statement is not showing the company phone number and I cannot add the EFT details for payment to the statement either.  His invoices contain this but it is frustrating that this is not appearing on the statement.  I have also included the EFT details in the email that accompanies a statement but this is not satisfactory for statements that need to be printed and posted,.


Also, I cannot edit the statement to ensure it fits in a window faced envelope.  This functionality should be able to be set up in QBO and then forget about it unless there is a change to this information.

QuickBooks Team

How can i change the customer statement template?

Thanks for joining this thread, @ann3586. Let me add some information about adding a company phone number and EFT details to the statement.


I can see the importance of adding the contact info to the statement and the EFT details, but this is only visible on the invoice created. 


As a workaround, you can continue to include the EFT details in the email sent to the accompanies. 


Otherwise, you can export this to excel and from there, you add the info needed in the statement. In addition to that, you can also use a third-party app that will help you customise the statement. You may visit this page for applications you can integrate with QuickBooks that will suit your business needs: App Store


Additionally, I've got you some of our resources below that can help you learn more about customising sales forms in QuickBooks. It teaches you to add any details to your template as well as how to design it:



Don't hesitate to leave a reply below if you need additional assistance. I'm always around here to help. Keep safe and take care always.

Level 2

How can i change the customer statement template?

Hello, even the ability to add bank account details to the statement please! Some customers only pay off the statement and complain that there are no account details!

QuickBooks Team

How can i change the customer statement template?

Your voice matters, @nathan_elcoate.


We appreciate your feedback about adding bank account details in QuickBooks Online (QBO). Our product development team works diligently to improve the needs of the customer when using QuickBooks.


You can also send feedback on your account. Here's how:


1. Go to the Gear icon.

2. Under Profile, choose Feedback.

3. Enter your feedback, and then click Next.


Please know that you can always get back to us if you have other questions. I'm more than happy to help.

Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

Agree that there needs to be extra fields available on statements, our customers need purchase order numbers on theirs. This could easily be added as a field to statements but Quickbooks don't seem to want to listen to their subscribers.

Level 2

How can i change the customer statement template?

I have discussed this issue with QBO help desk. 

I find the fact that we are unable to edit the statement design like the invoice templates highly irriating. 

The set design looks unprofessional and messy so I am having to create statements in word, saving them and emailing them off seperatly.  This may not seem like a issue, but I do over 30 a month and am thinking of switching to a system that allows this. 

Level 2

How can i change the customer statement template?

There is no profile tab in QBO when you select the gear icon. 


How can i change the customer statement template?

Thanks for reaching out to the community about this customer statement template concern, @RiverAg.


Not having the options you'd like to use in a software can be a little bit troublesome. We recognize every customer's need here at Intuit. However, since this preference you're looking for is not yet in the system, we highly recommend that you send a feature request to our developers.


They have a wide range of roadmaps for QBO enhancements, so sending your suggestions will help them identify the actual needs of our clients. I will share the steps so you can fine the Feedback feature in QuickBooks.


You can share your suggestion within the program by following these steps in a web browser:


  1. Click the Gear icon and choose Feedback.
  2. Enter your suggestion for our engineers on the Feedback box.
  3. Once done, press Next to send it.


To be updated with the recent and upcoming changes for QuickBooks products, please visit these sites:



Come back here anytime if you need help with other features in QBO. I'll be available to assist you anytime.

Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

I am having some serious issues with the statements.

I have changed to show detailed lines, but it is not showing each individual invoice outstanding. All I have is a bal BF - I need the full list of outstanding invoices for the client o check.


This is very time consuming and frustrating to not be able to pull a decent as is statement at any point in time.


This needs to be addresses ASAP!!!!!!!

Level 2

How can i change the customer statement template?

Why cant we do this?  Also, why doesn't the statement at the very least honor the template for the invoice so we have some brand consistency?  I think its silly that with all of the other customization options everywhere else, that we cant at least select a template in QBO.

Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

Seriously Intuit, what the F* is going on that after this many years of us requesting to be able to customize the statement form that it still isn't an option?!?

Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

Really? Changing the customer statement template is not an option in QuickBooks Online?

At the behest of our CPA we migrated from Quickbooks Desktop to Quickbooks Online to better automate tax prep and reporting. After 2 weeks we are regretting the change as moving from QB Desktop to QB Online is killing our billing process' productivity.

We are a niche industry (nonlawyer IP legal services) which demands UI, invoice and statement customization ... customization we got from QB Desktop but no longer have with QB Online. It's not that we have to learn a new way of doing things ... it's that many of the things we have to do and are used to doing in QB Desktop are not supported in QB Online. QBO also adds additional steps to filling out and processing invoices (time is literally money in our business), PLUS our billable line items table only partially imported so we're having to recreate it from scratch.

Additionally our Templates in Desktop were not ported over in the "upgrade", and QB Online won't allow us to replicate them outside of bits and pieces of our Invoices. Speaking of QBD to QBO upgrade issues, our reconciliations weren't ported over either. So our book balances are WAY off and we'll likely have to pay our CPA even more money to get through this.

We are seriously considering requesting a refund and going back to QB Desktop.

Level 1

How can i change the customer statement template?

So after more than two years, this is still not an option? Why is it you have time to make the interface less user friendly when it wasn't broken but we cannot customise statements appearance... all your competitors allow this - might as well move over to Xero at least it has some of the basics correct. 


How can i change the customer statement template?

ello there, @JP-PR.


Right now, being able to customise customer statements is unavailable in QuickBooks Online (QBO). I can see how the feature you're looking for would benefit and empower your business. In the meantime, I recommend sending this request straight to our product engineers through feedback. 


To send feedback, follow the below steps:


  1. Go to the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Enter your comments or product suggestions. 
  4. Then select Next to submit feedback.


For more details about how customer statements work, I suggest visiting this article: Create and send customer statements in QuickBooks Online.


If you have other concerns and questions about managing your QBO account, I'm always around to help. Take care, and I wish you continued success, @JP-PR.