Customise and send your own payslips

We provide customisable and compliant payslip templates ready for your final touch.

A person in an office customising payslips on a laptop while holding a package.
A person working in an office, using QuickBooks payslip templates on a laptop.

Fair Work compliant payslip templates

Employers can easily notify their staff after a pay run and eliminate staff requests for duplicate payslips and payment summaries. With mobile app cloud technology and automation, you can be certain our payslips templates are meeting Fair Work requirements, giving you that peace of mind.

A person sitting in a chair in a waiting area with a preview of options to customise a Fair Work-compliant pay slip template.

Personalised for your needs

You can customize our Fair Work compliant pay slip template by adding your information you wish to display or hide. You can also add notes and custom messages to payslips, and email notifications.

An employee sitting in a greenhouse surrounded by plants, using a laptop to check payment notifications after a pay run.

Automatic notifications

Notifications can be sent to your staff or scheduled to go at a chosen time/date once you’ve finalized a pay run. You can automate this process through “Automated Pay Runs” to send to your staff after each pay run.

A person sitting at an office desk using a laptop with clipboard ledgers hanging on the wall

Let employees serve themselves

Swag helps employees manage work, grow their savings and claim exclusive benefits and allows employers to offer more competitive workplace benefits and a refreshed user experience.

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Pay your staff correctly with QuickBooks Payroll

What our users are saying

What our users are saying

Illustration of a user providing a testimonial for QuickBooks Payroll while using a computer
“Easy and brings peace of mind” Using QB payroll gives me peace of mind that I won't overlook something...The software is very straightforward and gives me the options I need. If I have a question, I am able to get support...and they walk me through the process.
Stephanie H., HR Director, Marketing and Advertising - QuickBooks Payroll Customer for 2+ years

*Employment Hero was voted the leading payroll solution for SMBs <50 employees (Australian Payroll Association 2021 Payroll Benchmarking Study)