Snagajob is an hourly work market place based out of the US that matches hourly workers with the right fit positions. Snagajob follows a performance hiring model so you only have to pay when workers click to apply for your job postings.
In case you have more than 100 employees, you can subscribe to their employer package that helps recruiting the right people in three steps – Find, Hire, and Flex.
Snagajob finds the right employees by matching the right workers with the right jobs. Thus, you only see the pre-screened candidates and can directly invite them for an interview.
Then, with the help of mobile-ready software, you can simplify tracking and onboarding checklists. Finally, ‘Shifts by Snagajob’ sends your open shifts to your current workers as well as your teams in nearby locations. However, if these persons are unavailable, Snagajob can fill up your shifts.
In case you have less than 110 employees within your company, you just need to register on the platform and pay a monthly fee per posting to get the right people.
Besides job posting, you can even build a custom career site, post jobs on your career site, receive and review applications, screen candidates, and schedule interviews online.