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Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

26 Comments 26

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Hello there, cameronlesko.


You'll have to make sure that your customer's mail inbox has enough space to receive the invoices. Once their inbox don't have enough storage, that's the time their invoices will go to the spam mail folder.


Let me know how it goes on your end. Have a good day!

Level 15

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

@Adrian_A wrote:

Hello there, cameronlesko.


You'll have to make sure that your customer's mail inbox has enough space to receive the invoices. Once their inbox don't have enough storage, that's the time their invoices will go to the spam mail folder.


Let me know how it goes on your end. Have a good day!

Not sure who told you that, but that is not the way it works

Level 15

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?



Sadly that happening is a direct result of intuits method of sending emails, everything comes from intuit rather than from your email address.  Since every other site ion the net can use your email instead of intuits, it has to be deliberate.


But because of the return address, a lot of email software mark it as spam.


All you can do is ask your customers to  set a rule to allow that email address to go to the inbox and not the spam folder

Level 2

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

What email address should we tell clients to allow?  [email address removed]?

Level 2

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Ugh... quickbooks @ notification. intuit. com


How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Hello there, Mer.



Yes, I agree with Rustler, you can ask your customer to setup their emails and allow intuit emails to go to their inbox. Intuit uses as the default email address when sending sales transaction such as invoices. 


Also, this article provides a list of legit emails from Intuit that you can allow: Is this email I received a legitimate communication from Intuit?.


Should you need more clarifications or other questions, just let me know and I'd be glad to further assist.

Twin City Aerial
Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

I have to ask my customers to add [email address removed] ? 


This is crazy, i can not ask every customer to add this so I can invoice them, I will just have to keep letting them know that it is probably in their SPAM folder. This is crap and if I can not figure out a better way to do it then I will have to find another software to use. 


Can I add a SPF TXT record to my domain host to get around this problem? I dont really know what that means but I was told this may work.


How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns here, cameronlesko.


This is certainly not the experience we want you to have. Rest assured that I'll pass along your suggestion to our Product Engineers. They're always looking for ideas from users on how to improve QBO.


With regards to adding an SPF TXT record, we have a separate online forum called Intuit Developer Community that caters this kind of concern. You'll get some helpful advice from experts on to about it. Here's the link:


Please let me know if you have any other issues or concerns by leaving a comment in this thread. I'll be more than happy to assist. Take care and have a great weekend!

Level 2

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Its 2021 and I still have this issue.


I've never had a problem with Invoices going to spam with my old software but since switching to Quickbooks, constant spam.

QuickBooks Team

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Hello Juanmata!


Thanks for joining this thread. Allow me to share and help you with the emails.


The most possible reason why some emails from QuickBooks Online were marked as spam is that the email domain of your customer blocks the When they receive your email in their spam folder, you'll want to advise them to select This is not spam or Not Junk.


Also, you'll want to inform them to send a sample email to or add to their contacts. This helps so that their email provider recognises the @intuit domain as a trusted site.


Need help in personalising the sales forms? Check this link: Customise invoices, quotes, and sales receipts in QuickBooks Online.


Leave a comment again below if you have other concerns. I'll be here!

Lost at spam
Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

So....a major issue was brought up back in 2019 and nothing was done about it since but providing the same generic response that advises users of the platform to tell their clients to mark the email as not spam?  Really?



Garner Landscaping
Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

This is the 2nd month in a row after repurchasing quickbooks I've had problems with yalls invoicing after many years of it not being a problem. Wish I'd never gotten it again. Now I'll have to talk to customer support for several hours to do something that I had hoped would save me time

Level 2

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

This has evidently not been fixed.  I send out 200+ invoices from QBD a month, and far too many go to spam.  There's got to be a way to fiax this.

QuickBooks Team

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, CaseyHart.


I'm here to ensure you can efficiently use the email services and that invoices are automatically sent to your customers. Let's configure your email settings to fix the issue. 

If you're using the online version, I recommend that your customers set up their emails and allow Intuit addresses to go to their inbox, as suggested by @Rustler. This is because Intuit uses as the default email address when sending sales transactions.


However, if you have the desktop program, connect your email to QuickBooks so you can send invoices, reports, and other entries. Before you begin, make sure you have Outlook 2010 or later, as well as an Outlook email profile. When you're ready, follow the instructions in this article to link your email to QuickBooks Desktop.


I've included some articles to help you troubleshoot email issues in each QuickBooks version:



Some of the articles are from another region, but the solution steps are still applicable in the AU version.


If you have any additional questions about sending invoices or other QuickBooks-related concerns, tap the Reply button and enter them in the field box. I'll gladly respond to them for you. Have a wonderful day.

Level 2

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Who wants to go to their customers and say "Excuse me but you need to setup you email so you can receive our invoices". It's a terrible solution and your developers have no intention of fixing it, told not to worry or you need better developers. Let me have access to the files and I'll have that fixed within 24 hours. I'm only with you because there is nothing better but as soon as there is I am gone.

Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

I am also having this problem with estimates and invoices. Simple fix here, once the invoice or estimate is created you press email and it drops the .pdf into what ever mail program you use as a new message to the customers email on file just like the desktop version did flawlessly. There is absolutely no reason why this can’t be re worked. You guys push switching to online so much, these issues should be worked out. I don’t have time as a business owner to go back and forth making sure people are receiving emails, this isn’t 1996. Don’t reply with a copy/paste generic response either. Escalate this to the developers. Clearly this is an issue and hasn’t been resolved for YEARS. 


How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Hey there, Alpinegroundsco.


I completely understand where you’re coming from. Allow me to help and get this working for you.


As long as QuickBooks isn't blocked form you email provider, all invoices will not go to spam mail. To ensure they can receive the invoices, let’s reset your email address. Here’s how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon at the upper right.
  2. Under Your Company, select Account and Settings.
  3. In the Contact info section, review each email address, then make changes as needed.
  4. Select Save and then Done.


If resetting the email address doesn’t work, I'd suggest adding Intuit as a trusted site to prevent your browser from potentially blocking site content.


We can refer to this article: Adding Intuit as a trusted site. Even if this article is for QuickBooks Online US, the same process can be applied to your Australia account.


However, if the problem persists, we can scan through the following article to for other troubleshooting steps: 3 solutions for you when customers aren't receiving your emails.


I want to make sure you're all set, so please let me know how it goes, Alpinegroundsco. I'll get back to you as soon as I can to provide additional help.

Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

The problem doesn’t lie with me receiving emails from QuickBooks. The problem lies with my customers receiving emails from me through the QuickBooks platform. With the desktop app I was able to click a button and the desktop app would open up my email service provider with the invoice attached. During the time I was using the desktop app, my emails never went to spam. Now, every invoice I send through the web-based program goes directly to my customer’s spam or promotions folder. To me, it seems that the email service provider QuickBooks is using to send these emails is considered SPAM by almost every inbox. Why did the functionality with desktop app not translate over to the web-based program? The work around would be for me to download every invoice and then manually send it out through my email service provider. This doubles the amount of time it takes me to invoice. QuickBooks continues to advertise the web-based program as easy to use and small business friendly. This is far from it and extremely disappointing. 

QuickBooks Team

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Thank you for getting back to us, @Alpinegroundsco. I appreciate you for letting us know that you're one of the affected users about your customers receiving emails in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


I can see how this issue has inconvenienced you in managing your business transactions. With this, I would encourage you to reach out to our QuickBooks Online Support Team. This way, they can check your account and perform a further investigation to fix the problem. 


  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online company.
  2. Select Help (?).
  3. In QB Assistant, enter the topic you need help with. You can also enter questions.
  4. Select Contact Us to connect with a live support agent.
  5. Choose a way to connect with us.


I've also included an article in case your customers aren't receiving your emails: 3 solutions for when customers aren't receiving your emails


If you want to email and customize the sales form, feel free to check out this article for the detailed steps and information: Email and customize the sales form


Suppose you need further assistance with managing emails. , feel free to click the REPLY button below. I'm more than willing to assist you again in improving your experience here in QuickBooks. You have a good one.

Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Sadly it didn't use to be this way.  Since Intuit made the change I've had several customers have problems with getting their invoice via email and paying online..  I've asked Intuit to change it back, but they have yet to do it.  So much for Intuit's "Use pay-enabled invoices to accept payments instantly online, right through the invoice."


How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Hello there, @davenagel.


I can see how important to be able to fix the issue you've been experiencing, where most of your customers, not being able to receive their invoices through email. No worries, I'm glad to be of assistance today so this gets sorted out.


First, let's your email address. To do so:


  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account.
  2. Go to the Gear icon then select Account and settings.
  3. Go to Company, and click on the Pencil icon to edit in the Contact info section.
  4. Review each email address and make changes as needed.
  5. Don't forget to hit on Save once done.


If your customers still can't receive the email, let's proceed and clear and re-enter your email address:


  1. Click on the Gear icon then select Account and settings.
  2. Go to the Company section, then click on the Pencil to edit the Contact info.
  3. Clear the Company email field and enter the desired address as is, even if it appears correct. Be sure not to use any extra characters or spaces before, within, or after the address you enter.
  4. Select Save, then Done.
  5. Send yourself a test transaction. If you still don't receive the email, try using a different email address that has a different domain.


If the issue still persists, we can proceed to solution 3 which can be found in this article: 3 solutions for you when customers aren't receiving your emails.


On the other hand, if resetting the email address doesn’t work, I'd suggest adding Intuit as a trusted site to prevent your browser from potentially blocking site content.


Additionally, feel free to check on this article in case you'd like to customise a report in QBO to show the status of your invoices: Customise reports in QuickBooks Online.


As always, you can get back here anytime if you need further assistance with regard to invoices in QBO. Take care and have a wonderful day!

Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?



Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Make a test invoice to yourself and click "save and send."   After the pop-up appears, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the "from field" and you will see an options to "add gmail address,"  click this option.  Go through steps to add gmail address, save.  Now for all future invoices the "from" field will default to the gmail business address you added, which is FAR less less likely to go to your customers spam folder.  It took us a year to figure this out and probably some lost revenue since there is no telling how many customers thought they were being ignored since the default "intuit" from address was going to their spam folders. 

Brighton Gardener
Level 1

How do I stop my invoices going through to my customers as spam mail?

Why is this still happening ?! ( July 2024) I've just started using Quickbooks and about a third of my invoices are not being found by my customers until I tell them to look in the Spam folder. Others aren't even finding it in the Spam folder. This is creating delays in payments and cash flow disruption.  This is very disapointing  and creating considerable hassle for both myself and my customers. It's certainly not the sort of thing I want my customers to experience. I thought this was supposed to make invoicing and organising payments easier...but it's done the opposite.