Hello there, info758.
Welcome aboard to the Online Community. Changing the employee’s tax code to BR Week 1/Month 1 can easily be done in QBO.
I have a few easy steps to perform this task. Here’s how:
- Go to the Employees menu on the left and choose the Employees option to access the list of your workers.
- From there, choose select the Employees tab and then click the worker’s name you’re working on.
- In the Profile column, scroll down to the Tax information section and hit the Pencil icon to access the Tax information window.
- From there, key in BR in the Tax code field and choose Week 1/Month 1 from the Tax calculation method drop down.
- Click Save to keep the changes.
For tips and other resources, let me share with you this link containing our self-help guide. Help articles.
Keep me posted if you have any other concerns or questions. I’m here to answer them for you. Have a good one.