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Level 1

Payroll journals

Last week I did my pay run as normal, as I have done for a few years now, but the "payroll journals are being published" just kept spinning for a good couple of hours, possibly longer. Then eventually works.. I have run this week's payroll and it seems to be doing the same. I have never had this problem before and the journals used to be published within a minute. FPS is sent and accepted by HMRC and I get email confirmation of this. Also I don't think payslips are being sent, even though I am pressing the "send payslips" button.

This is somewhat frustrating as I don't want to be checking back all day to see if it has worked or not and obviously without the journals published my bank account doesn't match. 

I want to do payroll, check it's all ok and get off and forget about it. 

John C
QuickBooks Team

Payroll journals

Hi info1209 Thanks for reaching out to us here in the Community. We have had some reports of latency when publishing the payroll journals and our engineers have concluded that this is due to either browser or network issues. I would recommend that you can try using an incognito/private window or clear the cache and cookies for all time on your browser and try resetting your router, if using one.

Are you receiving an error message when sending the payslips?

Level 1

Payroll journals

Hi John, 


thanks for the quick reply. 


Last week I did my pay run at work, this week I did it at home, so different networks/routers and computers were used. I cleared cache last week ( I use chrome ) and tried incognito. It made no difference. Also just tried a different browser, no change, it's still spinning away. I find it hard to see it's an issue my end as I mentioned in OP that FPS is submitted to HMRC and email confirmation received. 

No error on the payslips, it says it's sending them, but staff do not receive them until the journals are eventually published. 

John C
QuickBooks Team

Payroll journals

Hi info1209 Thanks for confirming, I'll certainly raise this again to our engineers again, no problem at all, however please bear in mind, as previously mentioned, each time we have raised this they conclude it's browser/network related latency issue.


peter dickenson
Level 1

Payroll journals

im having the same problem here cleared all re booted hub still the same ??

John C
QuickBooks Team

Payroll journals

Hi peter dickenson Thanks for reaching out to us. I have raised this to our engineers, I'll also make them aware that you're also experienincg the same issue.

Level 1

Payroll journals

Just to update this 6 hours later and journals have been published. 

I see someone else commented having the same issue, so can't be network/router. 

peter dickenson
Level 1

Payroll journals

did it just do it on its own ?? my last week payroll took 3 days todays is still pending 

Level 1

Payroll journals

I've not done anything, there is nothing you can do.  I just checked and saw they were published. It took a few hours longer this week than last week. I hope that it's not a sign of them taking longer and longer each week.

peter dickenson
Level 1

Payroll journals

mine has just gone through 8 hrs later ??

Level 1

Payroll journals

An update on this week's payroll. The journals were completed in about 3 seconds. Nothing changed my end from last week.  

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