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QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?


I have been a small business owner in the past. It failed. I work for "the man" and love it, but want to take another chance at being my own boss. 



The question I have is:

How do you find your inspiration to continue to be your own boss? Pop your tips and tricks in the comments below!

Level 7

QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

It can be difficult to leave a secure position in order to work for yourself, but you don't necessarily have do it all at once! Many small business owners/self-employed start out with a "side-hustle" as they test the entrepreneurial waters. @JodiCordero, what new venture are you considering and is there a way you can ease yourself into it a bit while still working for "the man"?

Not applicable

QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

I personally think that lifestyle is a major factor in maintaining that entrepreneurial spirit. As a contractor, I can set my own hours and work remotely. The lack of job security isn't for everyone, but that's what motivates me to keep networking and seeking out new clients and opportunities. 


QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

I love the idea of easing into it!  I have no idea, really yet.  I love making things - so many different things.  And I believe beautiful things, artful things, shouldn't be expensive. So my vision is to make the world beautiful with quality art that every home can afford.  And if I happen to be able to show people how, that empowers them to create and share that color, then that would be kinda cool also.  Prepparing for my next iteration of aweosme!  


QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

I love the idea of finding a way to work wherever I am, that would be so freeing!  Travel and work at the same time!


Interesting topic, networking on the 'road' - any tips?  

Level 7

QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

LOL, I used to have a boss who joked that "networking" is just one letter away from "not working." I tend to disagree!


If you haven't yet done so, I highly recommend designing personal "business cards" that reflect your unique style - a kind of advance advertisement for the product line or design service you think you might offer one day. You never know you might meet and where! Make it easy for that person to remember you and get in touch.


FYI, we've got some really fantastic profile articles in our Finding Inspiration section. In particular I think you'd enjoy this interview with Lucy Watts and Nadia Matthews of London-based Luna stationery. The two met while working for "the man" and have since gone into business together Smiley Happy


Would love to know: Where do you go for inspiration, personal and professional? Is there a difference?

Level 6

QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

I've been thinking about this question a lot because it's not easy to keep your mojo up all the time! My best way to gain inspiration is to get out of my normal routine and out of my head. I love to take a hike or go visit a new neighborhood or try a new type of food! Just something different that shakes things up. What about you?

Jess W

QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

I absolutely love all of these ideas! It has definitely inspired me further. When I became self-employed, I was a student and working in retail at the weekends (I hated it :( ). I had a passion for spreading positivity across the internet through fitness and wellbeing and my passion for writing slowly began to develop, that's when I started writing a blog. I gave up my weekend job, studied full-time and had a 'side hustle' which was my blog - @EmilyCowan I am a lover of a 'side hustle' for sure! 


When I am lacking some inspiration or motivation I remember my 'why' and my purpose. This motivates me to keep creating content and keep being passionate. We all lack inspiration and motivation sometimes and we need to learn to take the time-out and focus our energy elsewhere - taking inspiration from you @LeslieBarber ! :)


What I would love to know is how do you coherentcreativ find your inspiration to continue being your own boss? Now you've started your own thing... :) Comment below!  

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Jess W

QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

Hi, @Karsty!


I hope you're having a great week Smiley Very Happy how's your business? Have you been busy?


Also, a great question to ask you. How do you continue to be inspired in your business? And how do you stay focused on being your own boss? Do you have any tips/experiences to share? 


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Jess W

QUESTION: How do you find inspiration to keep being an entrepreneur?

Hi, Teri - hope you're doing well Smiley Very Happy


I know LinkedIn is where your business created itself over 10 years ago... But how do you keep the fire burning when things become challenging? Smiley Happy

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