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Mark Armistead
Level 7

Good News, Well Done Intuit - Custom Bookmark IS FIXED!!!

I'll always give credit where credit is due. After a disappointing and unannounced roll out of the new custom bookmarks where you couldn’t add more than one report shortcut. It now appears you can add multiple shortcuts to any report or page.


For instructions, as Intuit don't currently have any. Navigate to a page and hit save "Bookmark this page" Name it, and save it. It can be a little quirky at time but this is a massive time saver.  Below screenshot are all the shortcuts I've added, yes I've done one to the 'Taxes' page and renamed it to VAT!!!

So far I've not hit a limit so not sure if there is one. If there is no limit then you can truely have a custom menu now instead of the limited ones offered in the standard bookmark menu section.


Well done Intuit. Now please can we have a change log when these things are either fixed or changed. No idea how long this has been fixed please. The USA site gets one, so why not the UK!!! @JackS 



Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 14.05.31.png



Mark Armistead
Level 7

Good News, Well Done Intuit - Custom Bookmark IS FIXED!!!

Also, with some extra good news. All the custom bookmarks in the bookmarks menu can be reordered.


Intuit you should be shouting about this change, it really is the bext change in the 3 years I've been using QBO!

Mark Armistead
Level 7

Good News, Well Done Intuit - Custom Bookmark IS FIXED!!!

Forgot to add the screenshot of the bookmarks menu and re-ordering. Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 14.12.53.png

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