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Level 1

How do I export to excel?

After searching for a client in invoices I want to export the data to excel to match with my bank transactions so I can see which invoices are unpaid.  Any ideas?  I have used the little icon top right with says download but it goes into a   .json  extension which I can't open.

Best answer December 16, 2019

Accepted Solutions
QuickBooks Team

How do I export to excel?

Nice to see you here, Petal37.


Exporting the invoice list to Excel is currently unavailable in the Self-Employed version. You can export to a JSON file you'd then need to convert it to excel using a third party tool. Or if you'd like to see the list of open invoices, you can switch the list status to Unpaid instead.


You can also take a screenshot of this list if you'd like to get a physical copy. Lastly, I'll make sure to take note and share this preference over to our developers for future updates. 


Get back to us if you'd like to ask anything about QuickBooks. We are just here to answer them.

View solution in original post

QuickBooks Team

How do I export to excel?

Nice to see you here, Petal37.


Exporting the invoice list to Excel is currently unavailable in the Self-Employed version. You can export to a JSON file you'd then need to convert it to excel using a third party tool. Or if you'd like to see the list of open invoices, you can switch the list status to Unpaid instead.


You can also take a screenshot of this list if you'd like to get a physical copy. Lastly, I'll make sure to take note and share this preference over to our developers for future updates. 


Get back to us if you'd like to ask anything about QuickBooks. We are just here to answer them.

Level 1

How do I export to excel?

is there any update on this? not being able to export invoice to .csv in QBSE isn't good. 


it works in transitions fine. 


How do I export to excel?

I appreciate your desire to have this feature, janehairandnails.


We do think that being able to export invoices to .csv is useful to you and other users. For now, we haven't received any updates yet from our developers.


In the meantime, we can continue the workaround provided by my colleague above by switching the listing status of your invoices.


I'd also encourage you to visit our QuickBooks Blog to stay updated with the latest features of our product.


Please feel free to get back to us if there's anything else we can do to help.

Level 1

How do I export to excel?

I also think this is not good. I hope this is in the works for the future. As small business owners (and I'm self employed) we have fewer people available at our disposal to take the time to convert these files to a very widely used platform such as Excel. 

Level 2

How do I export to excel?

I started a QBO Advanced account several months ago and after paying for it and not using it because I was unable to export the invoices from QBSE I finally dropped it because I had so many invoices outstanding and now way to gracefully switch to the more comprehensive (and much more expensive) version.


Not being able to export a simple list of invoices... nothing necessarily fancy or all-inclusive... is absolutely critical.


Much of what a small business does for taxes and to keep track of everything is done in Excel.


I've parsed out the JSON file once in order to get the data in a format that I could use and it took HOURS!


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... make this functionality available?!

QuickBooks Team

How do I export to excel?

Good day to all,


I understand that you need to transfer the invoices from QuickBooks Self-Employed to QuickBooks Online.


Our engineers are always looking for a way to make QuickBooks meet all your needs. While this isn't available, you may check our QuickBooks Blog. From there, we'll post all the updates and innovations.


In the meantime, you can import your invoices to QuickBooks Online by creating a spreadsheet. You can check these articles for more details:

I'll be here if you need anything else. Have a great day!

Level 2

How do I export to excel?

I have an update on this!


It may be a little technical and challenging for some people to follow but I can confirm that it works and doesn't take much time to accomplish.


Here's how:

  1. Download the Invoices JSON file
  2. Open a New Excel spreadsheet
  3. Go to the Data tab in the ribbon and click Get Data > From File > From JSON (drop down)
  4. Select the JSON file you downloaded and hit Import
  5. The Power Query Editor will open
  6. Click Queries (on the left) then right click the query and choose Advanced Editor
  7. Copy and paste the code below and hit Done (BE SURE that the path to and the file name of your JSON file is correct)
  8. To put this data into the Excel file click Close & Load (top left)


P.S.  The first code I provided removes some columns that I did not find helpful and set numbers to currency.

The second code is the same with the addition of expanding each invoice to show all line items.

The Power Query Editor makes it rather easy to change the query without having to actually write code yourself; just make changes to the content that is displayed (e.g. remove columns, change numbers to currency, etc...).


***You can also duplicate your query (right click > duplicate) to create a different view of the same data.  A prime example would be a list of all invoices without the line items expanded.  If you have multiple queries, when you Close and Load to your spreadsheet you can toggle between these 'views' by selecting the query that appears to the right of the spreadsheet.  Oh, and you can rename your queries to make their function more obvious.  Pretty cool and very useful!


The video from this blog really helped me understand this process:

Here's the direct video link:


1 - [Invoices Query]


    Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("C:\Users\MasonMitchell\OneDrive -\Downloads\QBSE_Invoices (1).json")),

    AsTable = Table.FromRecords(Source),

    #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(AsTable,{"dateCreated", "dateUpdated"}),

    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Removed Columns",{{"amount", Currency.Type}}),

    #"Removed Columns1" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Changed Type",{"message", "allowOnlineCreditCardPayment", "allowOnlineACHPayment", "businessNumber", "logoSource", "paymentDetails", "salesTaxType", "rememberPaymentDetails", "v4LocalId", "events", "invoiceSender", "salesTaxItems"}),

    #"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Removed Columns1",{{"dueDate", type date}})


    #"Changed Type1"


2 - [Invoices with Line Items Query]


    Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("[PATH TO YOUR FILE]\QBSE_Invoices.json")),

    AsTable = Table.FromRecords(Source),

    #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(AsTable,{"dateCreated", "dateUpdated"}),

    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Removed Columns",{{"amount", Currency.Type}}),

    #"Removed Columns1" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Changed Type",{"message", "allowOnlineCreditCardPayment", "allowOnlineACHPayment", "businessNumber", "logoSource", "paymentDetails", "salesTaxType", "rememberPaymentDetails", "v4LocalId", "events", "invoiceSender", "salesTaxItems"}),

    #"Expanded invoiceLineItems" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Removed Columns1", "invoiceLineItems"),

    #"Expanded invoiceLineItems1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded invoiceLineItems", "invoiceLineItems", {"description", "amount", "quantity", "type"}, {"invoiceLineItems.description", "invoiceLineItems.amount", "invoiceLineItems.quantity", "invoiceLineItems.type"}),

    #"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Expanded invoiceLineItems1",{{"invoiceLineItems.amount", Currency.Type}, {"invoiceLineItems.quantity", Currency.Type}, {"dueDate", type date}})


    #"Changed Type1"



!Note: You will still need to look up the actual names of your clients because only the customerId appears in the JSON file.  Once you are able to create a reference of client name to customerId you can use a formula to show the name in addition to the ID.


This is how I got client names in my invoice data (this part sucks but the good news is that once you have this part done you won't have to do it again unless you've added a client and even then it is just the new ones need to be added to your reference list)

  1. Copy and paste the customerId column to another sheet
  2. Select the column and choose Remove Duplicates from the Data ribbon
  3. Find the client name by either scrolling through the list of invoices by invoice number -OR- opening the invoices online using the invoiceUri link.
    • [TIP - to make all the links clickable insert a column and in the first cell of the new column type =HYPERLINK([@invoiceUri]) and hit enter, then use the up arrow key to focus back on the cell you were just in and double click the little square at the bottom right corner of the cell to apply that formula to the entire column.]
  4. Type or copy/paste the name of the client to the right of the ID on the sheet where we consolidated the list of customerIds
    • This is much easier when both the invoice data and your list of IDs is in order (you can do this in the invoice table by clicking the upside down triangle at the top of the column and selecting Sort Smallest to Largest and in your list of reference IDs on the other page by first selecting the column then clicking the AZ[down-arrow] icon in the Data ribbon)
  5. Once your list is complete add a column to the left of the ID column on the sheet with the JSON invoice data and enter this formula: =VLOOKUP(QBSE_Invoices__1[@customerId],Sheet1!A:B,2)
  6. If your JSON invoice data is on Sheet2 and your consolidated customerId reference list is on Sheet1 then you should see the name of the client appear.  Now just copy that formula to the rest of the cells in that column that line up with the invoice data table


…easy peasy, right?  LOL!



Intuit, providing self employed users a reporting engine would mean the world to us.  Going through this hassle just to get a detailed list of the invoices in our account is ridiculous and for many, not even possible.


Community, while Intuit is working on this functionality I will be work on a web project that will provide you with the ability to see your invoice data without having to go through all of these step.  If I complete it before Intuit provides this functionality to use I will post a link to it in this thread.  Also, feel free to message me if you need help with the steps outlined in this how-to.



excel #powerquery #json Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to connect to JSON data and read it. However, sometimes this data might require a little manipulation to be fully understood and analyzed in Excel. In this video you will learn how to Parse JSON data using Excel and Powerquery. You ...
Level 2

How do I export to excel?



I forgot to change the invoiceDate type to 'date' in the previously posted query; here is the correction:


Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("C:\Users\MasonMitchell\OneDrive -\Downloads\QBSE_Invoices (1).json")),
AsTable = Table.FromRecords(Source),
#"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(AsTable,{"dateCreated", "dateUpdated"}),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Removed Columns",{{"amount", Currency.Type}}),
#"Removed Columns1" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Changed Type",{"message", "allowOnlineCreditCardPayment", "allowOnlineACHPayment", "businessNumber", "logoSource", "paymentDetails", "salesTaxType", "rememberPaymentDetails", "v4LocalId", "events", "invoiceSender", "salesTaxItems"}),
#"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Removed Columns1",{{"dueDate", type date}, {"invoiceDate", type date}})
#"Changed Type1"

Level 1

How do I export to excel?

I am shocked that this service is not included? To not be able to export actual invoices to either microsoft word or excel is beyond comprehension. It works fine with both transactions and mileage. What happened with the most important part? I haven't got the time or inclination to edit all the coding in the exported json file into excel and make it legible. Seriously baffled and a big anti-climax after using your application for a year.


Mark of Somerset
Level 3

How do I export to excel?


E3ITLLC - Thank you so much, you're a genius!
 Come on Intuit, this should be a service that is provided.  I am an agent and often have clients come to me with a year's worth of data on "Self-Employed" that need to upgrade and this is a stepping stone to that.
Why not give 
E3ITLLC the job?!

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