Hi cliffexell, thanks for posting on the Community.
If the supplier remittance is being received successfully by other suppliers, this suggests that the issue is with the impacted suppliers own email provider or email security settings. From time to time, an email provider may flag a sender (such as QuickBooks) as spam, particularly if repeated emails are being sent. To make sure your supplier is able to receive the remittance, you can have them add our service-related email addresses as a "safe sender" on their own email account. Our guide linked here covers the email addresses to add for QuickBooks products, and includes steps on how to add these to an email contact list for each email provider.
It's also worth double-checking that the email entered in the suppliers settings is correct. If they're still unable to receive the email following this, you can download the remittance (select print on the bill payment > click the downwards arrow on the print preview screen) to send directly via your business email.