I am trying to "Create Management Report" in the management reporting section of QB Online and I want to have a Profit and Loss Comparison report in the custom report (and also a Balance Sheet Comparison report). It looks like it SHOULD be straightforward to do as after you press "Create Management Report", click on "Reports and Charts" a drop down menu appears allowing you to "select report". The Profit and Loss Comparison Report is a standard report that you can select from that menu.
HOWEVER, when I select it (and the Balance Sheet Comparison) the report that prints out within the Custom Management report does not have the comparison data on it. For example if I want the report to cover the current financial year to date the report only shows the current year's figures and doesn't show the comparison figures. If I run the profit and loss comparison report as a standalone report it correctly shows the comparison period, it is only when I try and include it in a custom report that the comparisons are missing.
Does anyone know how to fix this - or is it a bug in the reporting that needs tech support?