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Level 1

I can't seem to include Unrestricted Funds expenditure and income in a Financial Activities report for a period. They don't appear on my customised FA report.

I want a FA report for period 01.07.22-31.03.23 to include all unrestricted funds Income & Exepediture for the period . Ticked the boxes relating to those categories under customise but they still don't appear. Am I missing doing something? Thank you
QuickBooks Team

I can't seem to include Unrestricted Funds expenditure and income in a Financial Activities report for a period. They don't appear on my customised FA report.

Hello Finance189, Thanks for posting on the Community page, Do you have transactions posting to that specific income and expenditure account?

Level 1

I can't seem to include Unrestricted Funds expenditure and income in a Financial Activities report for a period. They don't appear on my customised FA report.

Yes I have income and expenditure for three seperate unrestricted funds categories for the period I want a report for - one staffing fund, one discretionary fund & 1 other fund. I have ticked those categries in customise so I can include them in the fa report but none of them are appearing. Thank you

QuickBooks Team

I can't seem to include Unrestricted Funds expenditure and income in a Financial Activities report for a period. They don't appear on my customised FA report.

Thanks for that information, so in the customise section once you have ticked the boxes you want to see, are you clicking the green run report afterwards?

Level 1

I can't seem to include Unrestricted Funds expenditure and income in a Financial Activities report for a period. They don't appear on my customised FA report.

Yes!   and I've now ticked all the boxes. Pressed customise and then selected all , all boxes ticked inc all Unrestricted categories, Pressed Run report a nd FA Report appears without any expenditure!


I can't seem to include Unrestricted Funds expenditure and income in a Financial Activities report for a period. They don't appear on my customised FA report.

I appreciate you getting back, finance. 


I'd love to assist you with customizing your Financial Activities report in QuickBooks Online. However, I need to gather enough resources to provide a precise response. If I may ask, are you trying to set up these unrestricted categories as accounts in the Chart of Accounts, or as Classes?


Your reply is much appreciated. Just leave a comment below. Have a good one!

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