Let's make sure that you're able to see your bank balances, Solutions4u.
This can be caused by an issue in the browser that you're using. I suggest switching to a different compatible browser. Chrome, Mozilla, or Microsoft Edge are all compatible with QBO.
You can also follow these keyboard shortcuts to open an incognito/private browsing session just in case you only have one browser:
- Ctrl + Shift + N for Google Chrome
- Ctrl + Shift + P for Firefox
- Control + Option +P if you're using Safari
- Ctrl + Shift + P for Microsoft Edge
Once done, log back in and check if the balances are now showing up and not N/A. If you're able to see them, delete your browsing history by following these steps: Clear Cache and Cookies to Fix Issues When Using QuickBooks Online.
I'm going to add these extra references as well about managing Chart of Accounts in QBO:
Feel free to reply to me and ask follow-up questions. We'll make sure that everything is sorted out.