We are a registered charity and exist entirely on donations, which may come by bank transfer directly into our account, but also regularly in cash or by cheque, which we send to our bank with multiple other amounts. We record these amounts in QB as a deposit split into these multiple items. I would like to be able to generate a report - specifically for a Gift Aid Tax Reclaim, that shows these individual amounts. We have found a way of generating a report, by filtering the relevant income accounts, that shows all individual transactions, but have not found a way of including all relevant items in a deposit which is split into multiple amounts. Those amounts remain hidden. Please could you help with this.
Making a Gift Aid Reclaim on QB Desktop was very straightforward; it doesn't seem to be so easy on QBOnline.
We tried using one of the reports on the list 'For my Accountant' and the report showed no data. Any suggestions you have would be welcome.