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Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

@tangonovemberbravo Can you tell me how you are getting all the attachments off please? Is that something that Movemybooks will do for you? Do they bring across everything that was on QBO? Or just the balances?

Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

@info661I haven't begun the migration yet, I'm waiting until after I've had a 1:1 demo of the Sage product to ensure it will meet our requirements. Next step will be to investigate how Movemybooks deals with attachments, etc. All our source documents are backed up in a separate digital format and easily accessed so for this situation it won't be a deal-breaker. I'm not convinced that Sage will be a better solution or without its own set of issues but the lack of support from Intuit is no longer manageable.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

I'm not sure Movemybooks will be able to convert data with attachments. As you may have noticed, they made a tool to convert only core data from QB Desktop to QB Online without any manual work.


We have converted our client data from QB Online to other accounting apps and the attachment is one of the components we have to convert half manually.

QuickBooks Team

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

You would need to speak to move my books directly and ask them how they deal with attachments they will be able to tell you all the information you need. 

Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

hey @Ashleigh1 you are brave coming on this thread!!!! Can you find out for us EXACTLY what's happening and what the plan is so we don't need to migrate?

We have established that global blacklisting of the intuit domain means it can no longer be used to mail out sales invoices -  so what exactly have the QB engineers been asked to do? What are their instructions? Are they being asked to fix something unfixable?  In which case we will continue looking at our migration options....Or have they been told to come up with an alternative method for mailing out sales invoices? which case what deadline have they been given for that? Can you also please change the status of this thread from SOLVED to UNSOLVED - as clearly it is very much not solved  - if you scroll back through the thread you'll see this random receiving/ not receiving of invoices by customers (and all the headaches that causes) has been going on since February.

QuickBooks Team

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

Hello info661, so the reason in which it says solved it's just there as a workaround for other customers to see - it's marked as a solution so it appears at the top of the page so other customers don't have to scroll through the big thread looking for any workarounds. we get that it's not resolved but it's there in case any customers are looking for a workaround. we are still looking into this and the solution is to offer workarounds in the meantime. We know it isn't ideal but we're trying to offer an alternative whilst we find a fix.  We fully appreciate that this has been going on a long time and is not ideal but we are continuously working on it. 

Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

@Ashleigh1Thank you.


Please feedback - we very much need a new tag called "workarounds offered/ fix in development" - showing solved creates frustration to the point of anger.


Workarounds provided to date are no help to the majority of your customers. We can figure for ourselves when a customer hasn't paid for 3 months it may be because (which we now know) they haven't ever had the invoice so we need to call them and follow up by emailing the list of invoices they say they haven't received as PDF attachments.


Are you able find out the answer my my other Q's please? That is:

1. Time frame for a fix?

2. What objective/ remit have the engineer team been given? (a) To fix the unfixable - ie. try and stop global ISPs from constantly blocking, unblocking and re-blocking intuit's QBO emails at server level; or (b) develop a different method to mail out QBO sales invoices?; or (c) to provide us with IT support or a stepped guide with screenshots for the more technical workaround offered, which involves higher level IT capability than most of us possess.


Many thanks

Tim A
Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

@info661 sensible approach, thank you.


I for one, don't want to have to migrate to another service. However, I do think it important for QB to come up with a realistic time line detailing when this issues will be resolved and not to keep stringing it out. IF it isn't possible then at least let us know it can't be fixed so we can make a decision.


Question: Is it not possible for the engineers to change the quickbooks outgoing email address to a new one, that isn't blacklisted? I for example use gmail but my company email address isn't *****

Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

@TimAQBO is already using at least 30 different email addresses. They are all listed in one of the workarounds. The common factor in each one of them is the domain name 'intuit' .

Mark Armistead
Level 7

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

What we need is someone from Intuit UK management to step up to the plate and take lead on this. Leaving the Intuit community/social media minions to endlessly repeat rather same rubbish isn’t acceptable. Especially when they are all in the USA from what I can tell. We in the UK have been crapped on from a great hight with the cancellation of Desktop, which was a far far far FAR superior product.



Level 1

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

We have been having this issue for months too. I am on this forum researching it for our finance manager who wants to get from QBO because he has simply had enough. It creates hours more work a month for him than he needs to do. I am technician and understand the issue. It is a complete moving target trying to maintain mail servers reputation in a world with so much anti-spam protection. Something mass mails many thousands, or even millions, messages with links and attachments is going to be tricky to keep from being blocked. 


What I don't understand is why QBO do not offer the option to relay your outbound email to your OWN mail servers and manage your reputation yourself. I could solve this problem for us TODAY if they included it, like many cloud providers do. Simply enter your smtp mail relay server and QBO hands off to that server for email delivery - it worked for QB Desktop. This approach also allows you to deliver emails from your own domain name and with branding, to personalise the experience. Not a free 'advert' for QBO - not that it is doing them any favours at the moment. 


Come one, Intuit - add an outbound mail handler (MTA) and let us get back on with running our businesses!!!


Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

@itbuilderwe are on your page - the whole community have been telling them the same thing for months. We know its not possible to carry on as they are so our proposed solution (as you have said) to use our own email addresses would get everyone up and running again with the additional benefits that (1)  our customers could hit reply to our emailed invoices if they have a query; and (2) there is an email thread so we can see the content of our covering email messages.

QBO just keep saying they are "working on it". They won't tell us what exactly the remit is that has been given to their tech team to work on. And they cannot give us any time frame for resolving it.


There is at some point on one of the other threads on the forum a very techy workaround - I asked for screenshots to help guide us through how to implement this or tech support to walk us or our clients through it. Didn't get any response to that request.


They have also offered a solution if you have a gmail address then instructions on how you can use that!  How Micky Mouse is that?


I recommend you keep asking for refunds of your monthly fee until its fixed. I have secured back dated refunds for clients.

User since 2008
Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

This is 100% spot on. Coming from an IT company myself. This is the only solution I see.


In saying that, they surely must have thought of that, but have opted out on the idea. Which makes one wonder why they would sacrifice their clients the opportunity to have a system that works and instead, offer the solution of we are working on it, still 9 months down the line.


We are all at our wits end and a lot of us contemplating moving away from QBO, although we still here hoping for the solution to be implemented. "Waiting for Godot"

Level 5

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

Totally agree.

Its quite clear that as it only affects a small number of clients QB simply are not that bothered if they go - and they know there is a significant amount of work to move.

Perhaps if everyone posts 1 star reviews on Trustpilot and facebook they may sit up and listen a bit more .. 

Level 1

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

When we used QB Desktop, we used to use a 3rd party portal called GoToMyAccounts GoToMyAccounts – branded self-service customer portal for QuickBooks

It's a really slick system and Mark, the owner and lead dev, is really responsive on support. The email delivery mechanism on this is WAAAAY better than QBO, allowing you to hand off to your own mail servers if you prefer, do proper branding and personalisation with a fully customisable template and has proper message delivery diags. 

We are going to go back to it for message delivery and cross-charge Quickbooks for the missing fundamental features in their own system. 

If they had any sense, they would buy this platform and integrate it!!!



Mark Armistead
Level 7

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

As I'm talking to my customers, and several have either moved away from Intuit, or like many of us are struggling to try and make the product work in it's current form.

There seems to be a general consensus of the future of the online version of Quickbooks. There's also been no meaningful updates other than a terribly thought out app update, which is in beta and isn't worth the pixels it is written on, and the cashflow chart, which is pretty useless if you're VAT registered.

The lack of actually fixing this email issue, and actually fixing features which are missing makes me wonder if Intui are never going to bother addressing these problems.


Anyone from Intuit willing to share an actual roadmap for the compliants and terrible product bug fix management?

Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

You can request a refund of subscriptions for all months you have been affected - ask Quick books HELP to send you a link for a refund request and quote the INV-*** investigation number which is on one of the threads on the community relating to emailed invoices not being received by customers. Maybe the more folk request refunds the more they will treat this as something they need to fix.

Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

OK. So now refunds are only permitted by using a refund weblink and my request was rejected because it can only process subscription cancellations, not giving a refund for a period of months' subscriptions. So now I have remembered I have a QB account manager - so I have just phoned him and he says he will track it and escalate at a higher level. Watch this space

Level 5

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

That would be great as we are in the same boat...; 

Level 1

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

Holy crap how is this not your number one priority to fix and to alert customers about?  This problem has cost me $30,000 in missing invoice payments because Quickbooks randomly never sent them.  This goes back over a year.  And there is no alert, error or any indication that something went wrong.  Generally, getting paid for my work is WHY I WORK.  If Quickbooks can't handle this most fundamental task, why am I using it??

Level 3

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

you need to call the helpline and find out who your account manager is and tell them about it. there is an investigation number for this issue. They no its unresolved although most of the helpline staff still don't know about it. ask for a refund for your licence fees to help them flag there's a problem at a higher level

Level 2

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

Still NOT working. It is now December 20th 2022. When will emailing via QBO be fixed. No one is receiving invoices. Your workarounds are NOT feasible for thousands of invoices. Even hundreds wouldnt be feasible!! Please advise!!!

Level 2

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

@JackS Kindly respond. If its gonna be a long time please simply let us all know so we can prepare ourselves.

Level 2

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

@GeorgiaC Your reply was months ago regarding a fix coming soon. Can you please advise? 

Mark Armistead
Level 7

My emailed invoices are not being received by my customers

You'll not get a straight answer off them unfotunately. Their customer services seem to consist of telling the same thing repeatedly and hope people just put up with the issues. Meanwhile Intuit is making billions per year.

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