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Level 1

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

so there was some Journals randomly created on my sales transactions just debit and crediting the same amount but the debit had VAT and credit doesn't son it has created wrong totals on my VAT files everything happened when I linked QB with HMRC, how can I fix this? thank you
QuickBooks Team

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Hello alba1,


Thanks for your post and welcome to the QuickBooks Online Community.


When you link QuickBooks to HMRC this will not change anything within your account, it is only when you submit a return that the filed amount will move from the VAT control to the VAT suspense account, from which this balance is cleared when the VAT payment is recorded on the Taxes screen against the filing. 


For the three journals posting to the VAT suspense, do these relate to filings which were made prior to joining QuickBooks or did you submit these through QuickBooks Online? 


Level 1

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Hi Georgia 


Yes those three files (my 3 returns for the year so far) appears as open returns on the taxes tab and the total on them does not match with my actual returns and also my returns have been already filed and paid (apart from the last one) so I do not know why QB has created those files when also and the VAT control account it matches with my previous system (SAGE) ?


Many thanks


QuickBooks Team

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Hi alba1, 



Thank you for getting back to me with the additional information. 


It is only possible to have one open return in QuickBooks, are any of these returns showing under 'Filed' or 'Paid' on the Taxes screen? 


Is the amount which is showing in the 'VAT DUE' column different to the amount showing in the journal for this date in the VAT suspense account? 


If possible are you able to attach a screenshot of one of the journals created?






Level 1

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY


So on the taxes tab (attached) the 3 VAT FILES when I linked with HMRC were on the open return at the top with totals which does no agree with my actual accounts (SAGE-QB) and HMRC, I moved them to filed to see which will be the impact but numbers are wrong and my VAT control is fine so I got a total on the VAT SUSPENSE account which correspond to this 3 returns with wrong amounts on them which I do not know from where QB is taking the totals as my ledger is fine


Thank you



QuickBooks Team

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Hi alba1,


Thank you for the screenshot. Did you move these to filed by selecting 'Mark as Filed'?


Filings should only be marked filed when the returns are correct with the figures matching what was submitted to HMRC. 


We can raise an unfiling request for the two returns showing as 'filed' - this would re-open the periods to allow you to reconcile the return and ensure the correct transactions are included to file with the correct figure. 


Were these returns recorded as filed within Sage pre-migration?



Level 1

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Hi Georgia


I hope you well, as this was quite important to get fixed I spoke over the phone with one of your colleagues on Friday and they said an specialist will call me on Monday and I have not received a phone call back from an specialist yet, 

And yes I requested same as you suggest to please move the file and unfailing them so at leats we can look into them and yes on SAGE and HMRC my VAT files were filed and paid and totals on both does not agree with what is on the ones I sent you and the VAT CONTROL ACCOUNT is fine on QB.

Can you please proceed accordingly? 


Many thanks 


QuickBooks Team

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Hello Alba, 


I will have a look into why you have not received a call back that you should have had on Monday. 

Level 1

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Thank you, 


I am available until 6pm on the UK phone number I provided on Friday,


Can you please request to move the VAT filed files as requested?


Thank you


QuickBooks Team

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Hello Alba1,



I have spoken to my colleague and due to us having a busy period you should receive the call back in due course. 


Level 1

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY



Thank you, I still have not heard from you.


At leats, Can you please move the filed VAT files to open as discussed last week over the phone and again on this chat? 


Looking forward o your response, 


thank you


QuickBooks Team

Hi, I moved to QB the VAT control account it was all balance and when I linked QB with HMRC it created the 3 VAT RETURNS files with wrong totals on the VAT SUSPENSE?? TY

Hello alba1,


I have checked the status of the callback request and this is still in progress due to be actioned, we aim to process these within 48 hours, however during busy periods this may take longer than expected.


To complete the unfiling request we require the figures showing in the 'VAT DUE' column for the two returns to be unfiled - we would be grateful if you could reply with a screenshot which captures this. 


Please also check the exception report (drop-down on action menu > view exception report) against all three returns to view if there are any exceptions showing here and reply to the below with yes/no.


- Open return 


- Filed return ending 30/09/2019


-Filed return ending 30/06/2019



Thank you

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