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Alan Rumble
Level 1

How do I switch of VAT for a Charity that does not charge VAT

How do I set up a company in QB Online that is not VAT Registered as it is a Charity?

Alan Rumble
Level 1

How do I switch of VAT for a Charity that does not charge VAT

Problem now solved! I have used the VAT   Number space in the Company Information for the Pension Scheme number, thus causing MoveMy Books to think that the company was VAT registered. On deling that information all is now proceeding smoothly!


How do I switch of VAT for a Charity that does not charge VAT

Good day!


Thanks for coming back here in the Community forum, and taking the time to share the solution you've performed in switching a VAT-registered company to a non-VAT registered as it is a Charity. Your insight would be of great help to other users who might've experienced the same issue or want to achieve the same goal. Truly, we can fathom any circumstance if we will work as a team. 


Please know that you're always welcome to post and share your knowledge anytime here in the Community. If there's anything I could help with, please let me know and I'd be willing to help you out. 

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