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Arthur Götz
Level 1

Recalculate VAT in bulk

Dear Quickbookers

I have imported IIF transactions into Quickbooks. Everything looks fine, except for the VAT. The bill correctly shows the VAT category as "S" for standard, but the VAT does not show on the transaction. If I change the VAT type to "O" for zero rated, and change it back to "S" again, the VAT shows correctly. After recalculating the entire transaction, the totals match and I can save the transaction. 

Doing this for more than a thousand transactions is very tedious though. Is there a utility or function that can process these transactions in bulk?


Best regards

QuickBooks Team

Recalculate VAT in bulk

Hello Arthur Gotz, 


Welcome to the Community page, 


There unfortunately is not, with iif files not supported on Quickbooks Desktop there is nothing we can do you would need to update each one individually to correct it and there will be no further updates to correct this due to the imminent discontinuation of the Desktop Product,. 

Arthur Götz
Level 1

Recalculate VAT in bulk

Oh dear. I hope you realize that discontinuing the desktop version will cost you customers. I tried the online version, even had a subscription for a few months, but abandoned it and bought the desktop version. The online version is way too slow, cumbersome, inflexible, in short and in English, it sucks. It's built on the premise that a stable, fast Internet connection is available anywhere in the world, and this simply isn't so.

Anyway, this issue is bigger than you or me, and I thank you for the fast reply.

Arthur Götz
Level 1

Recalculate VAT in bulk

As a workaround: Would it work to export the transactions in Excel format, import them in Online (I suppose this would fix the error), export it in any legacy format from Online, import back into desktop? Cumbersome, but still faster than the alternative?

QuickBooks Team

Recalculate VAT in bulk

Hello Arthur, thanks for sharing this feedback, we have passed this on to the relevant team.  In regards to your workaround. So you import into online, but not sure how that would fix you getting the data to Desktop as there is no way to get the data from Online to desktop and you can't import data into Desktop via Excel.

Level 8

Recalculate VAT in bulk

Hi @Arthur Götz 


It's been a while since I used QB Desktop but I seem to remember that VAT was always a problem when importing IIF files - certainly after 2007-8 or whenever the VAT Handling method was changed in the codebase.


IIF is an Intuit format so you'd be forgiven for thinking that it would work with an Intuit product!

However, it was considered to be old & creaky and the new kids didn't want to play any more.


Sorry - I digress.


Your best bet will probably be a third-party link that will update the QBD datafile directly.

Take a look at or


Hope this helps.

Arthur Götz
Level 1

Recalculate VAT in bulk

No, if Online and Desktop cannot talk directly to each other, this wouldn't help either.

Zed Axis
Level 3

Recalculate VAT in bulk

Hi @paul72 


Yes there are a few ways to fix this with Zed Axis.


  1. Axis can read IIF files and convert them into qbXML which it imports directly into QuickBooks desktop or Online, when importing this way it will import the VAT code and whether the amounts include or exclude VAT, when it send that to QuickBooks it calculates the VAT correctly.
  2. If you want to "fix" transactions in QuickBooks desktop or online that have incorrect tax amounts on them then Axis can export those out to Excel where you can fix them and then reimport back in and modify the existing transaction.


I hope that gives a bit more detail and explanation to your answer about how Axis can help in this scenario. :)

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