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Level 1

VAT code

Hello there, we have a PA based in SA. she invoices in GBP  and there is no VAT.

How should this be recorded in QB? should the VAT be "No vat"?



Level 8

VAT code

Hi @gigiblewis 


This is a bit vague.

Do you mean that the PA is invoicing your company for her services (she's external to the company & providing a service to you)?


It boils down to whether that service would be zero or standard rated if you were buying from a UK based company.

  • if standard rate, use 20.0% RC SG
  • if zero rate, use NoVAT or Exempt if you prefer it to show on the VAT100

(the nett effect is the same - there is no extra UK VAT to pay)


There are weird rules around Place of Supply - particularly for digital/online services.

If your bored one evening - Notice 714A is a hoot :


Hope this helps.

Level 1

VAT code

Many thanks Paul, this helps!

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