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What Makes Intuit Great

Last night at a virtual award ceremony, Great Place to Work Australia announced the winners of Australia’s Best Places to Work in 2020, with Intuit QuickBooks Australia taking home the 11th spot, placing in the Top 20 for a third year in a row in the 100-999 employee category.

The awards were created to celebrate businesses that inspire, celebrate and innovate through initiatives that drive a high-trust workplace culture. This recognition is more important than ever, as employees and organisations across the globe tackle the β€˜new normal’ of remote working during a very trying environment . 

Natira Drayton, Country Manager and Vice President of Intuit QuickBooks Australia said she is extremely proud to be recognised by Great Place to Work Australia,β€œWe continually strive to give employees a work experience that balances fun with work – we want our employees to be challenged, but we also want to create an environment that is welcoming, nurturing and most of all makes them comfortable to bring their whole selves to work every day.”

Change is constant, connection is key

Change is one of life’s constants – small changes and big ones, changes we choose and ones we don’t. The challenges brought about by the pandemic have seen employees band together to support each other and their customers through one of the toughest years on record.

This shines through in the Accidental Counsellor Training program, which teaches employees how to not only attend to the financial hurdles businesses are faced with during COVID-19, but to also know how to listen to their +220k small business customers with empathy and better manage their own emotional response when hearing the stories of struggling businesses.

While for some staff, like Kay Hedley, a member of the Intuit family for the last two years, it is the connection that Intuit fosters between colleagues that has kept her going amidst the uncertainty of the past few months.

β€œDuring COVID-19 my team have continued to do our Fun Friday’s which is a perfect way to end the week, as well as having virtual team lunches and we have been given time to do things to help with our mental health such as yoga, meditation and group coffee sessions.”

Values remain true in a virtual world

One of Intuit’s key focuses is attracting, growing and empowering women in tech. Two key initiatives the company offers in line with this approach is the Mentoring and Sponsorship Program, which pairs male and female leaders with distinguished women who have outstanding leadership potential, and the Working Parents Initiative, designed to help new parents, not only retain their career, but to secure a smooth transition and reintegration back into the workplace. 

For Alex Medina, Intuit Australia’s Partnerships Lead and long standing Intuit family member, her β€˜virtual’ reintroduction to the workforce after maternity leave could not have gone smoother, despite the chaotic context.

β€œNo matter how big we are, Intuit is a close-knit family that cares about employees. After taking 13 months of maternity leave with my daughter, I came back to a business that makes me feel welcome, supported and wanted me to do well at work and at home. They equally value me as a contributor to the business and as a mother. Looking back, joining Intuit has been one the best decisions I’ve made in my career.”

Inspiring work=passionate people 

The spirit of celebration permeates Intuit’s culture. Ask any Intuit employee the top three things they like best about work, and one of them is bound to be β€œthe people.” We just like each other here. 

This people-first mentality was the big draw card for Simeon Duncan, Senior Manager International Corporate Affairs who jumped on the opportunity to become a part of the Intuit family after having Intuit as a client for years.

β€œHaving had Intuit as a cornerstone client and observed their culture closely over the course of a few years, when a job opening became available, I had to go for it. What made it an amazing opportunity for me was getting to do the best work of my life with some of the best, most passionate and professional people I’ve come across. The β€˜rightness’ of my decision was made abundantly clear when COVID-19 struck. Within days of lockdowns being imposed and government support being announced, Intuit had formed cross-functional teams of highly motivated experts to help small businesses access support and weather the COVID storm. No one cared who got credit for connecting SMEs to financial support, they just said β€œyes” to the need and used their experience and passion to make it happen. Who could ask for better teammates to work with? Not me.”

Difference is normalised (and celebrated)

Intuit acknowledges the importance of a diverse workplace that includes people with a wide range of life experiences and perspectives. 

For Chantal Evatt, Product Manager at Intuit Australia, one of the ways she has seen diversity in action is in an experience she had leading a β€œDesign for Delight” session with two other colleagues from different areas of the business.

β€œI spent a day with many colleagues focused on the question: how can we (Intuit) become best-in-class at attracting, growing and promoting women to do the best work of their lives?

From this session, we helped piece together a 3-pronged strategy for our company’s women’s network, to create a gender-neutral hiring policy, kick-start a mentoring and sponsorship program for retaining and advancing women in their careers and crafting a working parents initiative to help new parents reintegrate back into the workplace months prior to returning to work after having a baby. 

More women on teams brings new ideas, problem solving tactics, and styles of communication and collaboration which I believe is critical to the success of companies. I’m proud to work at a company that values diversity and is willing to take action.”

For Zac Yang, Customer Service and Support Specialist, not only celebrating diversity, but normalising the differences among employees has been the truly β€˜great’ part of working at Intuit.

β€œI know it has been a few years now but when I saw our country manager wearing an Intuit T-shirt that says β€œLove (rainbow love heart emoji) wins” on the day they revealed the results of the marriage equality plebiscite. I knew I had come to the right place.”

Want to become part of the Intuit family?

To find out how you can become part of the Intuit family or learn more about any of the β€˜great’ initiatives we have on offer, visit the Intuit Australia Careers page.

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