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Level 2

QB Desktop migration to Online

Does anyone know what is happening about the migration of data from desktop to online due to the discontinuation of Desktop?


My understanding was that there would be an announcement on the 1st of August 22.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online

I remember one of the Intuit team here admitting that there are still issues with the converter tool and she said the announcement would be delayed until the end of August.

Level 2

QB Desktop migration to Online

Thank you. Useful to know.

QuickBooks Team

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hi Yoga05, we're still working to provide a new migration path and we'll be contacting all customers directly when this becomes available with the steps required to initiate a migration. We've also put together a support article that can be referred to for further updates. We appreciate your patience in the meantime. :)

Level 2

QB Desktop migration to Online

Thank you for the update.


From what I read, access to the data will be shut down from the 31st of January. We are required to hold data for 6 years. What solution does QB propose for this.


I am concerned in that my year end is 31st December and will not be able to close the books by the cut off date. In addition am unable to migrate the data now unless I use the open balance method which I am reluctant to do. I have used QB desktop for over 20 years but  am now seeking an alternative accounting package. It is a shame really.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online


You may consider purchasing a 3rd party service to convert data from QBD to QBO or another app. Afaik, if you are still using QBD 2020, you can purchase a one-time license for it if needed to open your archive files after January 2023.

Level 2

QB Desktop migration to Online

Thank you. This is news to me.


I have asked customer service and have not had any help at all. I used to buy the software and then was forced to get onto the subscription service.


Who do I contact to buy the license and who will help transfer the data.


This will solve some of my issues,

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online

Click my profile name and you will find our website address to send a direct message. 

QuickBooks Team

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hi Yoga05, we expect the new migration tool to be live within the coming weeks, this will mean that you're able to transfer all data to the cloud version ahead of your end of year. QB Online files are accessible in a read-only format for 12 months from the date of cancellation should you opt to move to another provider, and can be reactivated at any time within this to continue use. Please note we do not support any migration alternate Desktop licenses, such as US Desktop Premier, as these are not compatible with the UK files. 

Level 2

QB Desktop migration to Online

Thank you Georgia for the information.


I will wait with anticipation to hear back from Intuit. I do hope they appreciate that this is causing us concern and I do feel that they should have better solutions in place to support us. 


Level 1

QB Desktop migration to Online

Is there any update on this please?


QB Desktop migration to Online

I want to make sure you're able to get updated about the migration from QuickBooks Desktop to Online, Leanne1310.


Our Product Team is still working on the new migration process. You can keep an eye on this article since they'll update you through this page: Why can’t I move my data from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online?


Don't hesitate to post again if you have other QuickBooks concerns. We're always open to answering your questions.

Level 2

QB Desktop migration to Online

Are there any updates to the migration process?

If not, what does Intuit expect its current users of desktop to do? Are we to sit and wait for an annoucement?


QuickBooks Team

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hello Yoga05, thanks for commenting on this thread, so we still do not have an eta on when the migrations will start again and be up and running, soon as we get an update on it we will inform our customers. However the desktop closing date has now been extended from the 31st of January 2023 to now the 30th June 2023 for all our UK desktop users.

Level 1

QB Desktop migration to Online

Is this issue resolved now?

QuickBooks Team

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hi User8jak, we've launched our new migration path with Move My Books which is available now for all users of QuickBooks for Desktop 2009 and above. At the moment, data can be migrated to QB Online Essentials and QB Online Plus, and we're working to include QB Online Simple Start. Please click here to be directed to MMB where you can view full info & begin the migration. 

Level 1

QB Desktop migration to Online

The movemybooks migration is useless as it does not support foreign currency migration. Most UK businesses purchase in USD and sell in GBP so to not support this is a joke. I paid £450 to transfer 6 years of data which is required legally and it was complete garbage as it did not convert all our USD to GBP so all numbers were rubbish!


Has anyone found a tool which will convert foreign currency?? 


QB this is completely unacceptable! 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online


Has anyone found a tool which will convert foreign currency??


You can purchase another third party service to convert data with conditions (e.g. attachments, multicurrency). Click on my profile name and you will find our website address to send an email to.

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

I am quite upset and depressed about this whole saga.


Been running my small Ltd company since 2004 using QB desktop all the way through - currently on Premier 2021 and paying Intuit £ 60/ month for the license.


I have been delaying and delaying any move as things kept changing / being postponed but am now getting V worried and desperate about this cut off in June.


I have nearly 20 years of transactions , stock , stock history , purchase orders , invoices etc etc etc in QB.

I use GBP , Euro and US$.  I look back at this ALL THE TIME - to keep an eye on sales history and prices item by item and use this to plan ahead for stock replenishment


It would appear as we stand today that Movemybooks will not cope with the FX accounts , wont move any products (or presumably history) , is unlikely to move any templates for PO's , invoices , etc.  And QB online cannot cope with sales orders (of which we have about a dozen currently open).

So I am going to have days and weeks of sorting the sodding data out .


That might be bearable but come end June 2023 - it seems that Intuit will somehow switch off my desktop version so I cannot ever access my sales and item history ever again ? 

Their online fudge does not state what I can access - if it turns out to be only suitable to spit reports out (for the most basic HMRC compliance ) then that is also useless.


Come on Intuit - at least guarantee us desktop users that the current desktop software and date contained therein will remain accessible (on our PC's - not in some cloud portal) in perpetuity.

QuickBooks Team

QB Desktop migration to Online

ello Skinnerneil, Thanks for posting on the Community page, we acknowledge what you are saying and take it all on board. We know this has and is not easy for our desktop users especially the ones that have been with us for many of years. We are bring out the "read only" tool which will be released soon for our desktop customers. The "read only" tool is a separate program to view historic data for our customers. More information on this will be coming soon and again it will be released soon to our customers as well.

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

I appreciate the response but the clock is ticking here ...


Is the "read only "tool the web based solution I am hearing about ? 

Where we have to upload a company backup every day to be able to view?


If so this seems to me to be a terrible idea...until we can at least test it to see how it works in practice and understand what data / history we can actually view.


Surely you can unlock the desktop versions we already have (kill online HMRC reporting if you are concerned about us using the software for free). 


Or offer a guided solution to install in VM and sandbox a copy ?


I dig into my old stock codes every day when deciding how to quote customers and plan for stock levels....


If access to this is denied to me (and cannot be moved to QB online ) it is a complete disaster.


And leaving me with little time to mitigate this potential disaster is not great .

QuickBooks Team

QB Desktop migration to Online

 Hello Skinnerneil, yes it is web based and allows you as the customer to view historical data. We cannot make the programs read only, that is not possible to do so as far as im aware and been told. Everyone has different versions from 2021 to 2012 and beyond, they are all locally installed on users computers so we cannot change or alter the read/write access for the customers. All we can do is expire the license to stop people using them. We appreciate this is not what our desktop users want and it is out of our hands the discussion has been made and our desktop users will no longer after June 2023 be able to use their accounts. So like we have said you need to either move to online or to another software. We have passed all this information our customers have said onto the team.

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

Why do you have to expire the licenses ?  Just extend them in perpetuity ?


If you are not supporting or updating QB desktop programs - customers will have to move anyway to remain compliant with HMRC systems .  


Just leave the licenses valid so we can still access ?  



QuickBooks Team

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hello Skinnerneil, unfortunately it doesn’t work like that, we do wish as well they would just leave the licenses going and just end the support however they are doing it as the product is getting discontinued completely and the decision has been made by higher up that this is happening and that is that. If you would like to discuss this more I suggest you ring the actual Desktop Supportline so you can speak to them directly  about it and they will be able to answer any more questions you have regarding this. The number to ring in 0808 168 9535 thanks. 

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

Intuit are not ready to move over entirely to Online. The migration process is a disaster and does not work. Move my books is not a solution and manual switching using excel does not work as the field names are not the same in the two products so so much data is lost. They are not withdrawing it in the US so why are they messing about with it in the UK. Can't they just leave it be until they have a proper solution or would they like to cover the cost of admin to input years of business data.

The drop down under 'company' 'Export your company file to quickbooks online' should be seamless and fully functional before they withdraw the Desktop product. Withdrawing the licence so the information is not accessable will leave many high and dry. Why would a business like Intuit cause so much damage to businesses they are claiming to help.

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