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Level 3

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

Level 8

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

HI Abs3.

Did you get anywhere with this?


I tried a while back but nothing worked - [] were used on the other tags but only the most basic ones (invoice no. / company name) were populated.

Level 3

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

Nop, QB is totally useless at support and helping with this, we will move to Xero in 2020 anyways

QuickBooks Team

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

Hello Abs3


We are sorry to hear about the customer service you have received.


Can we just confirm are referring to uploading a  custom template and wanting to map in the custom fields as long as you use the less than and greater than brackets around the section where information would be entered and then map the custom field in the mapping section that should upload.


If you are talking about the email that goes along with the invoice you send there is only the message to customers which you set a default message


Apologies if we are confusing the situation from your original post we want to make sure we have the correct understanding of what is happening.





Level 8

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

I gave up too.  I simply download/email all invoices outside QBO - just like I did with QB Desktop (God, I miss QB Desktop!).


QBO emailing is very basic - admittedly, you get the open/read tracking but without full control of the bodytext it looks more like an advert for QB with your invoice attached.


I don't know how much more control you get in Xero.  I'm sure we trialled it before signing up for QBO but can't remember why we discounted it.  Lack of Invoice Custom Fields I think.


I may be well wide of the mark but it feels like QBO has made a play to capture the micro-small end of the market.  The features are there but there are certain things that don't quite cut the mustard for small-mid size businesses.

It's these things I wish they'd focus on getting right before adding things like Receipt Capture - but I guess it's all about bums-on-seats.

Level 3

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

Totally, I mean receipt capture is a pointless, there is many solutions out there already that do this. 


I give up, as it like talking to a wall in most cases.. 


Anyways, we live in hope or just simple vote with our money, and move to another provider.  Xero is looking like the best option so far.

Level 3

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

See the image attached, I have explained this for the 5th time and every time support responds with a different bloody answer, its amazing, am not sure if am writing in Chinese or QB is out to just kill me with silly responses. 


Anyways, i through the towel in, am done



Annotation 2019-11-20 172327.jpg

QuickBooks Team

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

We hate to see you throw the towel in; however i can explain why this is not pulling in from the invoice.


The specific logic of that section of QuickBooks is only programmed to pull in the invoice number; not any additional fields - there is no setting or anything we can use to force the system to do this. Should you want to see additional work done on this email form, you are welcome to feed this back directly to our developers through the Cog Wheel & Feedback.

Level 3

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

Hi and ok thank you, only took a million messages to get this answer,


Also, please can you advice everyone at QB if you can to stop telling the customers to Send there feedback in this black hole. It is like telling us to 'have you tried to turn it on and off' 


This send the feedback is by far is the most useless feature EVER, Look at how it is taking you years to implement Transfere wise when Xero is moving at light speed, you guys are moving slowly, or not even, things are always coming soon (years later) The issue it seems is that QB is owned by a company with too many products and not enough people to work on this.


Anyways. I wont need to care about QB in the year. cheers anyways

Level 1

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

I'm trying to upload a custom invoice with extra columns (splitting out quantities so a daily total is given of each item) but have struggled to do so.  Could someone help please - really vital for my business.


Custom invoice looks like this:
















































































I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

Hi @jkaur101.


Let's make sure that your Excel spreadsheet is ready and in a format that accepted by QuickBooks.


To ensure that the extra column on a custom invoice will show, you may need to review your template mapping before importing it into QuickBooks.


You can check these links in checking and ensuring your invoice fields are mapped correctly:


Alternatively, you can consider a third-party application to include a specific column and import the transactions.


Please don't hesitate to go back to this thread if you have other questions about importing invoices.

Level 1

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]



I messaged you yesterday on preparing a weekly invoice for all of the daily sales completed for each customer. 


I am basically looking to upload the following .docx document as a custom invoice to Quickbooks:


Company name


Company address



Company telephone


Company email

VAT registration number: xxxxxxxx



 Invoice <invoiceno>







<shipping address>
























































Invoice total


Balance bought forward


Pre-payment / credit
























Balance bought forward



New charges (details above)



Total amount due



Amount paid



Date paid



Payment method



Is this possible? Or are there any third party tools that may help?  I really thought Quickbooks would be the answer but seems to have the same issue about creating custom columns as every other accounting system in the UK. 

Kristine Mae

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

Let me explain how it works in QuickBooks Online, Jkaur101.


There are some fields on your template that we're unable to map or add in QuickBooks Online. You may want to consider checking for third-party apps that can help you with importing the sales template. You can visit and explore our Apps store


You can also check the articles provided by Jovychris_A to guide you.


Don't hesitate to let us know if you have other concerns. We're available 24/7 to help you. Take care!

Level 8

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

@jkaur101 wrote:


Is this possible? Or are there any third party tools that may help?  I really thought Quickbooks would be the answer but seems to have the same issue about creating custom columns as every other accounting system in the UK. 


Hi @jkaur101 

You are going to run into trouble with any system for a template like this - you have multiple <qty> amounts on each row but the syntax is specifically expecting only one.  In order to program an accounting system, they have to have some limits on what columns are allowed.

My guess is that the best a third-party importer will do is add together your daily qtys for a weekly row.


QBO does provide the <servicedate> tag.  I don't use it myself but you might be able to build a new template around it.  Suggest you check the documentation but I think it's one <servicedate> tag per row, so you would have to make something like this...

<servicedate>   <itemdescription>   etc, etc


It obviously makes your invoices very long but, if you want to separate out daily qty rather than per week, it's the only thing that jumps to mind.


Hope this helps.

Level 1

I have a custom field in my invoice and I want to use it in my email template, any one got any ideas what I can use? the custom field is called CUSTOM-1 is it [CUSTOM-1]

I think I will move on to Xero. Mapping <custom1> to Custom Field 1 always worked, but lot any longer, even files that worked before are not longer uploading and mapping.

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