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I've set up the pension and auto enrolled some of my staff, however the deductions are not showing on the payroll


I've set up the pension and auto enrolled some of my staff, however the deductions are not showing on the payroll

Hi finance27,   Welcome to our Community.   There are a few reasons that could cause the pension deductions not to appear on your employees payslips. I've detailed a couple of things to check below to give you some tips.   Pensionable Earnings - check that the earnings on the payslips are pensionable, for example Variable pay is not automatically pensionable so you would need to add this to the list of pensionable items within the pension scheme. Age - check the ages of the employees added to the pension scheme are all within the pensionable earning age range. Staging Date - check the staging date is correct. Earnings Trigger - check the earnings for each employee within the payroll period are above the threshold to trigger the pension deduction. For guidance on the thresholds, you can view the information from the Pension Regulator directly. Pay Period aligning with tax period - pension deductions are not pro-rated so if the staging date falls part way through the pay period, the deduction will not be taken until the next full pay period.   Have a look at the above and if you are still finding you are unable to identify the cause, let me know and I will be happy to look into it further with you.  

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