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Quickbooks Advanced Payroll - Pension enrolment notifications


I have just run my first payroll with new employees, who have been assessed for auto enrolment to the Nest pension scheme.

I can see their Pension enrolment notifications, can you tell me if these have automatically been emailed to my employees, or do I have to download them and email them manually?


QuickBooks Team

Quickbooks Advanced Payroll - Pension enrolment notifications

Hello Pennyrutherford6, 


Welcome to the Community page,


The Pension enrolment notifications do not get sent via email automatically to your employees, you will have to download them and email them manually to your employees, the system doesn't do it for you. 


Level 1

Quickbooks Advanced Payroll - Pension enrolment notifications

I've had a new employer start and she had received an Auto-enrolment Notice via email, but when she clicked through, the page was not found. 


I've been trying to understand how, a) she got this email in the first place, and b) how I can amend the email.


I've founf the actual notice to email to her, but it doesn't look good that she gets an email autmatically yet doesn't have the information on there. 


Can anyone help?




QuickBooks Team

Quickbooks Advanced Payroll - Pension enrolment notifications

Hi Dani, thanks for joining this thread


We'd be happy to help with any issues you have with the automated pension enrollment emails. 


Which pension provider is the employee with, and have they attempted to open the link on the email in more than one web browser? They can do this by right clicking the link on the email > copy link and then paste into the URL bar. 


If you would like to send our team an image of the email so that we can take a closer look, please begin a chat or call 0808 234 5337 (M - F, 8 AM - 7 PM, free from UK mobile & landlines). 

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