Can someone tell me WHY QB feels it is OK to insert automatic adjustments without reference to me in my accounts? I am trying to finalise my 2023 year-end accounts and I see that QB has inserted an erroneous journal ( 6 Dec 2023) that leaves a credit balance on my TB for an account I closed off 3 years previously! WHAT are you doing QB? For me this is a gross intrusion on my company's business and makes your online system questionable in terms of security. QB should not have access to my transactions.
You cant just write off something to the share capital account and leave a balance on the TB for an account that has been deactivated 3 years previously? I am sure If I try to correct this myself I will have more issues further down the line.
Please now advise me - simply - how to rectify this without causing issues further down the line. I see on your US pages this has been something of an issue for people, and I have to say the replies those folks received from QB are NOT what I would call courteous.
I would like an answer quickly please as I am trying to finalise my year end accounts. - thank you.