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Level 2

Remittance advice for multiple bills

Recently moved from Xero. We regularly pay suppliers monthly or fortnightly for a number of invoices. Fairly often suppliers will still request a remittance.  In Xero I would locate the payment and it would easily show the associated invoices and send a remittance. I can find no such function in QB. Google searches are suggesting QB cannot do this and they can only be sent one at a time? I tried the suggestion of ticking each bill in transactions but the batch option to send remittance is greyed out. Also this method requires me to find all the invoices again so quite arduous.  I want to go from the single payment (which has been correctly matched to multiple invoices) and easily send a remittance. Surely QB can do this?  I have tried Business and Accounting modes although I tend to only use the latter.

QuickBooks Team

Remittance advice for multiple bills

Hello Mexi, thanks for posting on the Community page, If you have a look at this link it tells you how to send a remittance in QuickBooks.

Level 2

Remittance advice for multiple bills

No, this is the same unhelpful link I was already referring to. It is surely fairly standard to send a remittance on reconciling the payment?  You are suggesting I note down all the invoice paid when reconciling, then move to another module and find them again?  Not to mention the remittance option remains greyed out.  I may need to do this once or twice a month for 30+ invoices. Your method would be very arduous. Can quickbooks surely show remittance from the bank payment?  Second time writing this reply, unsure if you removed previous response.


Remittance advice for multiple bills

Hi, Mexi. I understand the need to send remittance advice by batch. 


Let me share details about the option being greyed out. 


We have an investigation about this, and the status is still in progress. Currently, our product engineers are implementing a solution. Please get in touch with our Customer Care Support team to add you to the list of affected users and receive updates once it's available. 


You can manually print/save the Bill payment and send it to the customer as a workaround. 


You can also run reports for suppliers' totals to see their balances. 


Please don't hesitate to return to this thread if you have more questions about remittance or any other questions. I'll be here to lend a hand.

Level 2

Remittance advice for multiple bills

This still isn't working correctly. The option is no longer greyed out but our suppliers are complaining that your system is sending 1 email per invoice and not a single batch remittance advice that covers a single payment.  I just want to be able to send a single remittance email that covers the multiples invoices in a single payment. It is that simple. Why can't Quickbooks do this ever so simple task that all other accounting packages seem to do with ease?

QuickBooks Team

Remittance advice for multiple bills

Hello Mexi, thanks for sharing this with us, we have feed this back to the relevant team to look into this.

Joanne Brown
Level 1

Remittance advice for multiple bills

Hi Mexi,

I'm having the same problem as you! I just want to be able to send multiple invoices to the same supplier that have been paid on the same date on one remittance, lets hope they can sort this out for us.

Joanne Brown
Level 1

Remittance advice for multiple bills

Hi has this been sorted yet please?

QuickBooks Team

Remittance advice for multiple bills

Hi Joanne, thanks for joining this thread


You can send multiple remittance at a time by ticking the Bill Payment (Cheque)'s on the suppliers transaction list > Batch Actions > Send remittance.

Please note, these will be sent individually, meaning the supplier will receive a separate email for each.


If you see a grey screen after sending the remittance, reload the webpage to continue using QuickBooks. This is a display issue that we're working to correct, and the remittance will still be sent successfully (you can double-check this by viewing the Audit Log). 


Level 1

Remittance advice for multiple bills

Surely QB can sort this - it is the most simple thing to ask a system to do and the most irritating thing for my suppliers to receive multiple e-mails for one single payment.   I have never come across another accounting system that can't do this!  Please put it on the top of your "priority" list.

QuickBooks Team

Remittance advice for multiple bills

Hi Ib2324, thanks for joining this thread - please raise any product requests or ideas over on our new QuickBooks Idea Exchange Board. We'll be reviewing all ideas here and if it gets to over 50 votes, we will review them with our Product team.

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