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Purchase Orders VAT wrongly Calculated

We have created VAT code S4 for VAT at 20% on purchases and supplies

This works correctly when:-

1) Creating a Sales Invoice

2) Entering a Bill

But, when creating a PURCHASE ORDER it calculates VAT incorrectly

Test Case:-

Cost Price Excluding VAT £1600

VAT Code S4

VAT added £266.67

VAT Added / Net Cost = 16.6%

Using EXCACTLY the same information to enter a BILL gives

Cost Price Excluding VAT = £1600

VAT Code - S4

Vat Added £320

VAT added / Net Price = 20%


Has anybody else noticed?

At first I assumed the VAT code was set up incorrectly, but it works everywhere except on a Purchase Order.



QuickBooks Team

Purchase Orders VAT wrongly Calculated

Hello Phil, 


Welcome to the Community page, 


So having had a look at the amount of VAT the VAT amount on the PO is inclusive of VAT, presuiming the invocies is exclusive of VAT. so it is working as designed it looks like the purchase order is set to inclusive of VAT rather then exclusive. So 1600/6=266.67 (inclusive) and 1600/5=320 (exclusive) So the VAT code is working fint, its just the inclusive and exclusive of the VAT that is throwing you that is all. 

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