Once the challenges of the financial year end are over, many advisors vow to become more efficient in time for the year ahead. However, with so many pressing and conflicting business priorities, the next year usually arrives without any of the changes you’d hoped to make, having actually been made.
With a constantly busy workload, are you finding that you’re already back on the treadmill?
It’s no wonder so many of us find it difficult to make the time to imagine what an efficient year-end looks like, let alone devise a plan to achieve one.
So as we farewell this year’s lodgement period, now is the ideal time to think about the issues you encountered and how they could be overcome.
Some common ones to consider include:
- What caused the most headaches?
- What bottlenecks did you encounter?
- What were the most time-intensive manual processes and what were the workarounds?
It’s best to start documenting the main issues now, while they’re still fresh in your mind, and whatever you do, don’t put off fixing them or you’ll be facing the same challenges again next year.