Inventory metrics: Operational KPIs
Operational inventory KPIs tell you how well your business is running in relation to inventory-related processes. Important operational KPIs include:
Lost Sales Ratio
Lost sales ratio shows the average number of days a specific product stays out of stock compared to the expected rate of sales for that product. A high lost sales ratio indicates that you may not be keeping enough stock on hand to meet demand.
Lost Sales Ratio formula
Lost sales ratio = (# days product is out of stock / 365) x 100
Perfect Order Rate
Perfect order rate measures how many orders are shipped without issues like delays, damage or errors over a period such as a month or year. A higher perfect order rate demonstrates efficient processes and that a business is providing an excellent customer experience.
Perfect Order Rate formula
Perfect order rate = [(# orders delivered on time / # total orders) x (# orders complete / # total orders) x (# orders damage free / # total orders) x (# orders with accurate documentation / # total orders)] x 100
Inventory Shrinkage
Inventory shrinkage calculates the amount of stock a business should have on hand but can’t account for. Shrinkage can result from damage, spoilage, theft or inaccurate inventory tracking.
Inventory Shrinkage formula
Inventory shrinkage = recorded inventory value – physically counted inventory value
Average Inventory
Average inventory measures the average value or amount of inventory a business has on hand over a given period, such as a quarter. Average inventory values can be consistent throughout the year, or can change for businesses whose sales fluctuate seasonally.Â
Average Inventory formula
Average inventory = (total inventory month 1 + total inventory month 2 + total inventory month 3) / 3
Inventory Carrying Cost
Inventory carrying costs, also known as holding costs, are the costs to store and hold inventory until it’s sold to the customer. This includes warehousing, insurance, rent, labour and the cost of any products that can’t be sold. A lower inventory carrying cost generally indicates a financially efficient business.
Inventory Carrying Cost formula
Inventory carrying costs = [(inventory service costs + inventory insurance costs + capital costs + storage costs) / total inventory value] x 100
Order Fill Rate
Order fill rate measures the percentage of orders you fulfil without any backorders or stockouts. A higher order fill rate signals that you’re efficiently meeting customer demand.
Order Fill Rate formula
Order fill rate = (total orders shipped / total orders placed) x 100
Order Cycle Time (OCT)
Order cycle time (OCT) is the average time it takes for a business to fulfil an order, from the time the customer makes the purchase through to delivery. It demonstrates the efficiency of a business’ fulfilment process, including picking and packing, shipping and delivery.
Order Cycle Time (OCT) formula
Order cycle time = (time customer received order – time customer placed order) / # total shipped orders
Stock-outs, also known as out-of-stock items, is the portion of products not available to ship when a customer places an order. This KPI shows a business’s ability to meet customer demand.
Stock-Outs formula
Stock-outs = (# items out of stock / # items shipped) x 100
Lead Time
Lead time measures the time it takes for a customer to receive a product after they order it. This metric helps evaluate the efficiency of a business’ entire supply chain, including inventory tracking, order processing, shipping and delivery. A lower lead time signals a well-run business.
Lead Time formula
Lead time = order process time + production/dispatch lead time + delivery lead time
Dead Stock
Dead stock refers to products that are unlikely to ever sell due to spoilage, becoming obsolete or other reasons. Monitoring the percentage of dead stock is important because it shows how efficiently a business is selling or using inventory, and whether or not there is ongoing demand for its products.
Dead Stock formula
Dead stock = (amount of unsellable stock in period / amount of available stock in period) x 100
Available Inventory Accuracy
Available inventory accuracy shows the difference between the recorded inventory levels and what is actually on the shelf. Lower accuracy can demonstrate errors in the inventory tracking process or loss due to theft or other causes of shrinkage.
Available Inventory Accuracy formula
Available inventory accuracy = (# counted items that match record / # counted items) x 100