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February 2023 Product Update

QuickBooks Tax updates

The team at LodgeiT (the other name for QuickBooks Tax) are continually working on ways to streamline your tax workflow. Outlined below are the additions they’ve included during February. 

ATOmate integration

We are happy to announce our integration with ATOmate. Now you can export your LodgeiT client and tax return lists and import it into ATOmate. Read the help guide to learn more.

Division 293 worksheet

We’ve added a worksheet to calculate additional tax on concessional contributions (Division 293). You can find the worksheet on the ITR Estimate section.

Weekly and fortnightly hire purchase

Now you can add HPs with weekly and fortnightly payment periods.

BGL Simple Fund integration beta

The team at LodgeiT are working on integration functionality with BGL Simple Fund for importing tax returns. If you would like to participate in their beta testing please contact us at support@lodgeit.net.au.

Prep for Taxes Year End Tasks Template

To streamline the set up of your Year End Tasks list in Prep for Taxes, you can now copy the list from another client. This is a great way to create consistency in the steps you would like your team to follow in the Prep for Taxes process across your practice and it’s a great time saver too.

To use this new functionality, head to Prep for Taxes from the QBOA dashboard or via Accountant Tools. At the Year-end Tasks tab, scroll to the bottom of the checklist and click on +Tasks from template and select the client you would like to copy the Year End tasks from.

A computer keyboard with a menu screen and a picture of a person.

Migrate out of Wholesale Billing

New functionality has been added to QuickBooks Online which will affect small business clients who already have Primary Admin rights for their subscription. This change introduces an option for the small business to take responsibility for paying their QuickBooks subscription. 

Why is Intuit making this change?

This new functionality is to give small businesses who already have Primary Admin rights an easier way to elect to pay for their own QuickBooks subscription from within the product. This eliminates the need for them to apply to Intuit’s Customer Success team or rely on you to make the change for them.

How can I change Primary Admin rights?

We appreciate firms allocate Primary Admin rights differently so if your small business client has Primary Admin rights for their QuickBooks Online subscription, but you consider they should be held by another person, we suggest you discuss this directly with your small business client. If they agree to transfer the Primary Admin rights for the QuickBooks Online subscription, you can share the simple steps for them to do this as outlined here.

When is this change happening?

The new functionality to allow small businesses to manage their own billing was rolled out to Australian customers recently. 

What happens from here?

If, at any time, one of your SMB clients who have Primary Admin rights to their QuickBooks Online subscription elects to take over the responsibility for paying for their subscription, you will receive a notification letting you know this change has occurred. You will also receive a prorated refund for any amounts you paid after they took responsibility for paying for the QuickBooks subscription and you will be billed any final payroll charges for any employees paid in the last month before your client assumed the billing responsibility for the subscription.

You can learn more about this change and how to manage client billing in this article. Should you have any further questions about the new functionality for billing transfers, please contact your Partner Manager or call the team on 1800 618 521.

Grow Your Business with QuickBooks

QuickBooks mobile app for iOS update

We’ve added a new “Recommended for you” card to the QuickBooks mobile app for iOS. Using on-device powered machine learning, your app will now predict your next action and make it accessible with one click. We’ve seen up to 90% prediction accuracy with our other Quick Action recommendations, so we’re confident this update will make the app feel more yours, whilst also saving you time. 

You can download the QuickBooks mobile app for iOS or Android.

QuickBooks mobile app

See these product updates in action 

To see these product updates in action, come along to the March Pro Power Hour - Product Update edition on 30 March at 11am. It’s free to attend and you can register here.

Negative Leave Balance

A new setting is available to businesses allowing them to configure whether each leave category allows a negative leave balance. Employers can now allow employees to apply for leave in excess of their available balance.

If the leave category does not allow negative leave balances, the system will automatically calculate and apply the portion of unpaid leave when the leave is applied to the pay run, based on the leave request and available leave balance. This will save time and be much more efficient for users.

As part of these changes, the following leave category API endpoints will be updated to include a new parameter (preventNegativeBalanceUnpaidLeaveCategoryId) which can be used to specify the associated unpaid leave category that will be applied when the available leave balance has been exhausted:

Employee profile and portal access security enhancements

Within QuickBooks Payroll if any employer/user changes the email address of an employee that has an associated employee portal profile setup, the following additional measures will be applied before the email address is updated:

  1. An email will be sent to the original email address notifying that an email change has occurred and what they need to do to verify the change. 
  2. A second email will be sent to the new email address advising an email change has occurred and that the new email will need to be verified before they can access their portal.

The purpose of these enhancements and requirements to verify the new email account owner, are to ensure all security measures are addressed and the changes are being actioned for the right reason.

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