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Visit this post for a list of recent banking issues in QuickBooks Online.
Deb B4
Level 1

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Hi GeorgiaC

I'm not even sure I need to transfer the funds? I have a figure in the Cash on hand account £-2,507.08 (13 transactions) and a figure of £2507.18 (3 transactions) in the bank account. When I made the deposits/transfers in the Cash on hand account QBs alerted me to 'Receive payment' first. I did this on the sales and I 'Paid bills' on the purchases. I need to know how to match the bank account against the Cash on hand account so that the Cash on hand account is back to where I started and the bank reconciliation isn't thrown out by £2507.18 - as the payments have already been received to the client accounts and payments made to the supplier accounts. I did try to 'Add' the £2507.18 to the 'Cash on hand' account from the bank account but it increased the figure in the 'Cash on hand' account as it saw the transactions as additional deposits. I'm confused. I hope I haven't confused you and you can help me? 

Thanks, Deb

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Hi GeprgiaC I have try this but with no luck so did a work around but it is painful and very time consuming to do. 
Do you have any other options to remedy this issue for me please 

cheers Shane 

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Hi Deb, thanks for that additional explanation - is the £2507.18 in the bank account the total of all of the sales minus purchases that were entered into the cash on hand account? Was there a balance in the cash on hand account before you posted the transactions against this, and should the end balance of this account be 0.00? 

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Hi Shane, thanks for getting back to me here - are you using the split function in the banking when reviewing the transaction, and are you able to see the 'amount' field when using this? This would be the quickest way to split one downloaded bank transaction against multiple suppliers/accounts.

Deb B4
Level 1

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Hi Georgia


You’re welcome. The total of all sales minus purchases entered into the cash on hand account is £2507.08 (10p adrift from the bank account - although when I did the calculation manually it balanced?).

The beginning balance in the cash on hand account is £113.68. This is the figure I want to get back to.


Thanks, Deb

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For some reason I can't reconnect my bank account and nobody is able to help me over the phone can anyone help me on here

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I am missing 1.5 years of transactions even though all 3 bank accounts have been uploaded and are up to date. Missing March 20-Sept 21. Have bank transactions before and after these months just not in between...What can I do to make the transaction fill in?

Level 2

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I have a part time employee that has been off work with covid last week so I went on the HMRC calculator last week to see how much they were entitled to.  They work 20 hours a week worked over 3 days.  HMRC calculator told me they were entitled to £96.35.  


However when I enter the details through QB it works out their SSP to be £55.06.  I understand if they were off with an sickness that was not Covid that they would get a different amount than they do because they had Covid.  

So, is there a different way of entering SSP for a covid sick period into QB.  


Thank you in advance :)


ssp covid calculator.JPG

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Hi. I am currently evaluating QB Self Employed, as well as Xero & Freeagent. In usability terms, QB is by far my favourite. However, there appears to be one issue which is going to stop me committing to it, which is a shame. I had a problem with the bank connection, and when trying to fix it - deleted the bank "link", re-instated it, and then found all my transactions has deleted, and had to be re-done! I now understand that this is by design, but how on earth can I commit to a system I can't trust to hold my data for years to come, and has no facility to backup & restore data?! Either I'm missing something, or there is a major flaw! What do others do?

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@JackS wrote:

Hello Community :waving_hand:

I wanted to create this space where you can ask your top-of-mind QuickBooks questions and our team will help you get an answer.


Topics can include and not be limited to; Banking, Self-Assessment, Reconcile, Transactions, Tax or Reports.

So, pop your question below and an expert can help you :backhand_index_pointing_down:

drop in clinic 2.png





Level 1

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Good Day

I am having trouble loading .CSV files for my banking transactions.

Once I have loaded the .CSV files in the correct format and QuickBooks picks up the transactions it allows me to select them with the correct Information under the correct columns
IE"2022-02-08, L23 February, R800" without any errors but once it has loaded the Descriptions lose their Numbers and only the letters remain, so when the bank records reflect on QuickBooks it becomes
"2022-02-08, L February, R800" and there are no numbers for allocating purposes! It does this on ALL my transactions. 

I have been online with Customer relations a few times and we have not found any solution to my problem, they say the problem is on my side but I have tried from different Devices using multiple different CSV files from 2 different banks, on 2 different internet connections. 

Please help!

QuickBooks Team

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hello Drew23, if you have a look at this link it will help you on the upload of a csv file into your quickbooks account. 

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with respect, I don't think you are answering the users question. he is not asking how to do it, he's saying it doesn't work. I have attempted a restore using a csv file, only to find it's impossible to map all the fields - which makes it next to useless!!! the csv restore option is therefore pretty much a non starter. I am curently trialling QB with a view to using it from april, but the non-ability to backup /restore data is going to make it impossible for me to proceed with it. unfortunately!

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I have a balance in my Accounts Payable account in QB desktop. My Aging report is entirely empty, that is, there are zeros everywhere. The balance stems from multiple journal entries that have been recorded in previous years to agree A/p to aging etc. I need to put through a journal entry to set the A/P account to zero, but QB won't let me, as it asks for a vendor. As soon as I put a vendor in, say "unknown", I end up with a balance in my aging report. How can I do an entry without it affecting the aging report, respectively, how can I get around selecting a vendor?

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Hi wellsworld, thanks for joining this thread - are you restoring a file from QuickBooks Desktop or from a bank CSV, and can we confirm which fields are not allowing you to map? 

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No, I'm using QB Self Employed. I'm actually trialling it, with the intention of going live in April. But since discovering that if the bank connection gets deleted (either by me or you) then all the transactions are lost, I have been trying to find a way I can make sure my data is recoverable - with no success. I have tried the CSV backup, and subsequent import. It only maps certain fields, rendering hours worth of data useless. I can't see how anyone can use this product if their data is so insecure.... so am very hopeful there is a way around it. I am told QB Support can restore it, but have heard so many horror stories about how hard it is to contact them, and presumably there is no way of knowing the restore actually works.... I am struggling to see a way I can use the product. any ideas gratefully received.

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As an afterthought: My A/P aging report shows zero. My A/P ledger shows $9000 and in my chart of account, the balance in the A/P is zero again.

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Thanks for posting your concern in this conversation, @UteS. In your case, you'll need to create a bill and apply vendor credits to a bill.


Here's how:


  1. Click on Vendors at the top menu bar.
  2. Select on Pay Bills.
  3. Choose the bill that you wish to be paid.
  4. Click the Set Credits button at the bottom to apply credits.
  5. Once done, click on Pay Selected Bills.


You may also read through the following links for more insights about handling credits:



Get back to me if you have follow-up questions or additional concerns. I'll be here to help you again.



Level 1

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Thanks, but I have no bills to pay. The difference in amounts in the control account and the A/P is due to currency conversions, and I want to clear it into the los/gain on currency conversion without affecting the aging report



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I got you covered, @UteS.


To isolate the issue, you can use a clearing account to clear the amount in your Accounts Payable. Then, perform a journal entry. Before doing these steps, I'd recommend creating a backup copy of your file first. This is to ensure that you have the original data you can restore in case of accidental loss or damage. Also, it's best to reach out to your accountant for guidance to make sure everything is correct since you're going to enter a journal entry transaction.


Here's how to set up a clearing account:

  1. In your QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) program, go to the Lists menu.
  2. Select Chart of Accounts.
  3. Then, right-click anywhere in the Chart of Accounts and choose New.
  4. From the Add New Account window, click the Bank radio button.
  5. Next, select Continue.
  6. In the Account Name field, type Clearing AccountBarter Account or Wash Account.
  7. Do NOT enter an opening balance.
  8. Once done, select Save & Close.


When finished, enter a journal entry and use the clearing account. For the detailed steps, refer to this article: Set up a clearing account​​​​​.


In case you'll want to get a detailed view of the debits and credits for each transaction you entered, you can run a Transaction Journal report on QuickBooks Desktop.


If you have any other QuickBooks concerns, feel free to leave a reply below. I'd be always around to assist you. Have a good one. 

Level 1

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Again... If I remove the balance in the A/P control account, it will affect the Aging Report, because i MUST put a vendor name in the JE that clears my balance into a clearing account. My A/P report already shows ZERO all the way through. The balance in A/P shown in the Trial Balance is due to multiple conversions between currency, and likely some entries in previous years that did reflect a wrong exchange rate. What you suggest will cause an entry in the aging report, unfortunately. 

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Hi Ashleigh

Thanks but I have no problem creating the CSV. Please read my question again maybe you can assist Please. 

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We're trying to use our CRM to send recurring invoices/transactions to QuickBooks. The invoices sync to QuickBooks absolutely fine, but there is no option to specify the payment method as Direct Debit. We're also Zapier users and there is no option here, either, to choose Direct Debit.


In QuickBooks Online we have the option to choose Direct Debit for those customers who have a mandate set up via GoCardless. All I want to be able to do is send an instruction from outside QuickBooks to toggle this radio button, but I can't figure out how to do it. Has anyone found a way? Can QuickBooks make this option available in it's Zapier or Scoro integrations?  

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I'm new to QBs. I'm trying to make my life easier by using quickbooks but would like to understand, before I do, if QBs is the right application to help me achieving it.


I have many questions, but would like to start with this one:

I'm a childminder and have several parents who pay me partially in vouchers, partially via bank transfer.

So, an invoice can have have two transactions, one from the voucher system and the direct transfer. Both come into my bank account. Will QB allow me to allocate the two transactions to that single invoice? If it can, do I need to do it manually or can it do it automatically? I am aware that one transaction for one invoice works fine, without human intervention.

QuickBooks Team

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Hello there, Childmind.


You won't have to match multiple payment transactions to an invoice. Simply exclude these transactions from the For Review tab.


Here's how to exclude the payment transactions:

  1. In the Banking window, select the For Review tab.
  2. Check the boxes for the payment transactions to be removed.
  3. Select Exclude.

Moving forward, you'll need to record the same transactions you're having in your actual bank manually and in QuickBooks. So the right thing is if multiple transactions in a bank are appearing, it should be multiple transactions in QuickBooks as well.


For additional resources, check out this article: Categorise and match online bank transactions in QuickBooks Online.


Stay in touch if there's anything else I can help you today. Just mention my name and I'm glad to help.

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