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Visit this post for a list of recent banking issues in QuickBooks Online.
Level 1

Coop bank feed

Exactly the same here. Its very frustrating. Any developments in getting this fixed @books11249 ?


Level 2

Coop bank feed

It's not ideal but rather than importing csv files if we remove the connection to the bank and reinstate it we can pull transactions in. I don't know why this works when re-authorising doesn't but as a short term workaround it's helped us.

Level 3

Coop bank feed

Had an on-going issue for 8 weeks as my connected bank accounts will not display the balances. Another email saying a further update in a weeks time - they don't have a clue and quite frankly the whole situation is a joke, as ever, no one will ever take responsibility and what should be a basic function of an accounting package is missing. Zero here I come.


QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

Hello Stonehambakehouse, thanks for posting on this thread, our banking team are still working on getting this resolved for our customers, we appreciate it is taking a while but it is being worked on in the meantime if you can csv upload your transactions into your account as a workaround. 

Andrew Coombs
Level 1

Coop bank feed

Has this been resolved yet a client of ours has had this issue since December?

They have many transactions and manually importing CSV Files defeats the whole point of using cloud software. 

Do we have a timescale for this to be resolved? As the current work arounds are not sustainable.

Will look to get the client to change Banks anyway as always seems to be CoOp but have CoOp clients with FreeAgent and Xero who aren't experiencing the same problems.

Plant people
Level 1

Coop bank feed

Yes the issue has been fixed for us, they may need to connect/link again

Level 2

Coop bank feed

We are still getting error 590 here.

Level 1

Coop bank feed

have you tried completely removing accounts then re adding may fix that

QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

Hello Andrew Coombs, Thanks for posting on this thread, we are pleased to inform that the fix for the issue impacting CO-OP Bank UK bank feed connection in QuickBooks has now been deployed. We kindly request customers to navigate to Banking page to connect Co-Op bank feed.

Level 2

Coop bank feed

Still broke for the Error 590 case.


Ashleigh1  any update on this issue?

Level 3

Coop bank feed

I am fast coming to the view that QB could not organise the proverbial in a brewery! I have been waiting since November for them to fix an issue with my Lloyds Bank and PayPal accounts not showing in my 'Managed Accounts' with the balances. It uploads the transactions but does not show the actual accounts. Hopeless, is being generous.

QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

Hi MrTrueman, a fix for the 590 error with the Co-operative bank was released earlier this week. If you haven't already, please try fully disconnecting and reconnecting  your account in QuickBooks to resume downloading data.

QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

Hi thecartoonman, we're understand the frustration being caused by this and our team are working to restore the Manage Accounts view. The next update for this due on the 24/02/23 and we'll send this to you via email. :)

Level 2

Coop bank feed

Hi GeorgiaC ,


Thanks for the reply.


There is no longer and feed to disconnect.

I have tried multiple times, multiple browsers and incongnito and still get the 590 error.

Level 3

Coop bank feed

But it's taking weeks for a function that should be a basic requirement of ANY accounts software!!


All I get is messages moving on the next update by a week, with again no solution.

QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

 Hello MrTrueman if you don’t have a feed to disconnect how are you getting the error as the error shows on the feed, I suggest that you ring the support line on 08088 234 5337 the line is open mon to fri 8am to 7pm or you can reach out to our chat support so you can go on a screenshare with them so this can be looked into more for you and they will be able to raise it up if it needs to be.

QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

Hello Thecartoonman, we appreciate what you're saying some issues take quicker to resolve then others, we acknowledge that the issue has been going on a while but you will receive an update on the 24/2/23 if not resolved fully before this date. 

Level 2

Coop bank feed

Still not working for us, still get error 590.

No update from Support.

QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

Hi MrTrueman, we're continuing to investigate the 590 error and the next update is expected on or by the 8/03/23. We've added you to this so that all notifications will be sent by email automatically. 🙇‍:female_sign:

Level 2

Coop bank feed

Still not working despite several emails from support stating this is fixed.


We still get 590 error!

QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

Hello MrTrueman, thanks for posting on this thread, are you getting this Unable to connect Co-operative business banking account - error 590 Something unexpected happened and we can't connect to the Co-operative bank (UK) - Business Banking or is not is it a personal account you're having issues with? 

Level 2

Coop bank feed




Its a Business account.

QuickBooks Team

Coop bank feed

Hello Mr Trueman, thanks for coming back to us with that information, I have created a case for you your reference is 15102175222 and added you onto the new inv we have for this any updates you'll get an email to let you know. 

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