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Level 2

QB Desktop migration to Online

The migration is a disaster - the tool to move data to cloud storage is not user friendly and the reports are terrible. I do not understand why Intuit are not just locking the product as read only. It will solve a lot of issues and give us access to historical data.

Shame on you Intuit - I have been using the software since 2002 - it is terrible to be treated this way.

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hi Ashleigh1

Can someone create the correct migration software? It is sitting there under the tile 'Export your company file to Quickbooks online' if this worked then there wouldn't be an issue.

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

Compliance is just a smoke screen. Like yourself I have used QB Online for years and have all the data to show it. It appears that they are able to lock this away from us by removing the licence. They are very good at blocking any possible solution to protect this data but cannot create a migration solution where the entire company data is transfered and protected. I am a bit non plused as there is literally no assistance because they is no viable solution. I have been trying for over a year. There must be lots of us and they seem to be pulling the rug out from underneath us. Without the information we hold in Quickbooks Desktop business stops. Surely this is not what they want for loyal customers.

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

This roll out should be sooner rather than later. When do we get to know? Hopefully before June.

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

I also paid and the transfer was next to useless. Movemybooks pointed to me to the restrictions of the transfer and primarily they cannot not transfer any of the important stuff held in Quickbooks that is the bedrock of the business. The list of transactions was a very small element of the data held. Couldn't even prepare a new estimate because there were no product codes or descriptions. Movemybooks is a pointless excercise and Intuit take no responsibility even through they have engaged them to do the migration.

Intuit are not ready to withdraw Quickbooks Online as there is no viable solution to migrate to Online.

Until the 'Export your Company File to Quickbooks Online' that sits within Quickbooks Desktop works then the whole migration process should be halted.

Level 3

QB Desktop migration to Online

Correction to my last enrty:-

Intuit are not ready to withdraw Quickbooks Desktop as there is no viable solution to migrate to Online.

Until the 'Export your Company File to Quickbooks Online' that sits within Quickbooks Desktop works then the whole migration process should be halted.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online

there is no viable solution to migrate to Online.


Yes there is. You may consider purchase a 3rd party conversion service. Contact me in private for details.

Level 1

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hello all,

I too am totally frustrated and agree this process is far from a complete entity. We finally subscribed to QB Online and used Move My Books to Migrate our Data from QB Desktop. We did think it fair to pay Move My Books for extra years Data transfer as they are an external agency and knowing QB has a large client Data base we understood it was probably an exta expense for them as QB only allows for 2 years migration free.

The Data transfer went seamlessly............( I thought )...........and this is probably where I have to hold up my hands and say I failed in my understanding. When I looked further into our Online acccount I saw that none of our products were transferred and discovered only then, that transfer of product Data is not included in the migration process. So no stock has been transferred. I have just spent four and a half hours online with the Online intuit chat agent tryign to fix this unsuccessfully. The chat ended saying it should be continued on Monday and it was suggested that QB Desktop support shold be able to help. I hope this is the case as apparrently the fix is a very lengthy process and nowhere as easy as the Online articles suggest, I say this as 4 and a half hours later we had no success. I'm now wondering why Quickbooks have potentially put some of us into a dire situation by cutting off our Desktop access at the end of June while there are unresolved ongoing issues that require hours of attention that means we potentially cannot continue seamlessly with our business until they are resolved. I am not tech savvy so I wonder at the massive hole in the thinking on this change.

I am very dismayed at the moment.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online


Recently QBO's API has been updated, and due to this, I am not surprise if they are not providing track inventory service. However, we help our clients to bring inventory details like name, code, description, sales account, purchase account, sales price, purchase price, etc. Since we don’t do tracked inventory, as a part of the conversion, we imported all the items as "non-inventory" type in QBO. After the completion of the conversion, our clients had to to manually change the type non-Inventory to Inventory and add the quantity on hand manually for each item.

Level 1

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hello again, thanks for replying but I cannot see where the help is! The item listing in QBDT is so different to the QBO system that evem when trying to uplaod the CSV file after editing it and do the mapping it wasn't working easily as the headers wer quite differnt and the chat agent wasn't able to assist with advice on them probably becasue he'd been online too long with me. The suggestion that I manually enter each line by line product is also a bit ridiculous given the amount of data on product/data lines in the QBDT Item list. I fail to understand why QBDT in the UK is being cut off in such a harsh manner and the information on product lines and the difficulty trying to include them in QBO was not made clear.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online


You should contact MMB directly for a solution. Otherwise, consider buying another 3rd party service but with limitations as I mentioned earlier.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online


You should contact MMB directly to find a solution. Otherwise, consider buying another 3rd party service but with the limitation as I mentioned earlier.

Level 1

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hello again. I did contact MMB before contacting Qickbooks, however just as QBDT are not available until Monday, neither are they. I'm sure it can be resolved otherwise I don't think QB would be silly enough to put the product on the market. It just needs more clarification as to exactly how. I'm currently still a little hopeful.

Level 1

QB Desktop migration to Online

Has anyone found a solution or solution provider who is able to convert QB Desktop to Online with multi currency and multi VAT control accounts (for foreign VAT registrations)?

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QB Desktop migration to Online


Contact me in private for your consideration.


Level 1

QB Desktop migration to Online

Hello all,

   This is purely an update after finally getting through the pain of the migration process to QBO.                         Having been a stoic QBD user I have finally come out the other end of the tunnel. I am still learning and discovering, as was the case for a long time using QBD software with no previous experience on either.

For myself I can say there are still some things missing that I feel would be useful but I guess I can get around my attachment to them and I do think QBO will update certian logical needs and enhancements as time goes by. Although I felt forced into this new Online system I did know there was really no choice due to HMRC requierments. So although many had the same grumbles and considerations and some moved to other software, I stuck with it. Gradually I feel more comfortable and confident but I really wanted to share that this was made possible only by the use of the support from QBO customer service agents. I spent quite a while on the chat and the telephone getting assistance in the beginning because of my panic in not knowing how to navigate or use the system. This may seem silly to some, but I'm not a "techy" or a "young thing" brought up on tech. That said I have perseverance and the desire to do my work well. So the bottom line of all this?  I have and am still gaining more satisfaction using QBO as time goes by and I need to express my thanks and appreciation to all of the agents who patiently gave me their time, knowledge and patience to assist me through some serious worry.  There is no doubt that Intuit have our best interests in mind when they provide such excellent people to assist us on the helpline and chat. The one lingering concern no-one seems to have addressed yet though is what happens when there are outs on the internet and we cannot access our account to work on it. This is the digital age but surely the hands on older age geneartion like myself have a valid concern with this?

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