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Visit this post for a list of recent banking issues in QuickBooks Online.
Level 2

Data loss after reconnecting my bank

My bank feed wasn't working. I reconnected my bank and its removed the majority of my past data. Thankfully I had just completed my self-assessment but I need it back! What can I do? 

QuickBooks Team

Data loss after reconnecting my bank

Hello there, @hello12.


When you reconnect your bank in QuickBooks Self-Employed, you may notice that all your transactions have been removed. This happens because when a bank is disconnected, all transactions, including the categorized ones, are also removed.


However, you can reconnect those transactions that have been removed by manually uploading them. Take note that only transactions within the last 90 days can be downloaded and connected. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon, and then choose Imports.
  2. For accounts that are not yet connected for online banking, tap the import transactions link at the bottom.
  3. Press Browse to find the CSV file of the bank entries.
  4. After this, all the transactions will be listed at the bottom. Make sure to map the data correctly.
  5. Click Continue then Done.


Additionally, if you need to review your bank transactions in QuickBooks Self-Employed, you can check this article if you need help: Categorise and match bank transactions in QuickBooks Online.


Should you need additional assistance in managing your bank transactions, feel free to include them in the comments below. Keep safe!

Level 1

Data loss after reconnecting my bank

This just happened to me.

Have lost everything up to 3 months ago.

This is not a terrible service, surely QuickBooks should save the information not delete everything for cases like this.

I will now have to do serious backtrack on my accounts.

QuickBooks Team

Data loss after reconnecting my bank

Losing important information can be a huge setback, Akada28. Let's collaborate to restore the lost transactions in your QuickBooks Self-Employed (QBSE) account.


When you reconnect your bank account, keep in mind that QBSE will only import transactions from the date of reconnection moving forward. For any entries during the period of disconnection, you'll need to manually input them or upload them using a CSV file.


We can import your banking transactions to restore lost data and ensure your records are complete. First, log in to your Financial Institution (FI) and download the entries using a CSV file. Set the date range for at least one day before the oldest transaction in the account in QBSE. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the download.


Next, we will import the entries into QBSE by following these steps:


  1. Sign in to your bank's website to download your transactions.
  2. Navigate to the Gear icon and select Imports.
  3. Click Import older transactions under the Action column.
  4. Select Browse and upload the file.
  5. Review the column headers and data and ensure the following fields match the columns and order in QBSE: Date, Description, and Amount.
  6. Click the Continue button to complete the import.

Here's an article that provides more insights into this process: Manually import transactions into QuickBooks Self-Employed.


After importing, check for any duplicate entries and categorise your transactions appropriately. If you encounter any issues during this process or need additional help recovering your data, our support team can provide further assistance and tips to prevent this issue from happening again.


If you need further assistance navigating QBSE or have other tasks you need guidance on, drop a comment below. We’re here to ensure everything is sorted out for you.

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